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Find the word with most letters in common with other words





I want Perl (5.8.8) to find out what word has the most letters in common with the other words in an array - but only letters that are in the same place. (And preferably without using libs.)

Take this list of words as an example:


Her BALER is the word that has the most letters in common with the others. It matches BAxER in BAKER, xALER in SALER, xAxER in CARER, and xxxxR in RUFFR.

I want Perl to find this word for me in an arbitrary list of words with the same length and case. Seems I've hit the wall here, so help is much appreciated!

What I've tried until now

Don't really have much of a script at the moment:

use strict;
use warnings; 
foreach my $word (@wordlist) {
    my @letters = split(//, $word);
    # now trip trough each iteration and work magic...

Where the comment is, I've tried several kinds of code, heavy with for-loops and ++ varables. Thus far, none of my attempts have done what I need it to do.

So, to better explain: What I need is to test word for word against the list, for each letterposition, to find the word that has the most letters in common with the others in the list, at that letter's position.

One possible way could be to first check which word(s) has the most in common at letter-position 0, then test letter-position 1, and so on, until you find the word that in sum has the most letters in common with the other words in the list. Then I'd like to print the list like a matrix with scores for each letterposition plus a total score for each word, not unlike what DavidO suggest.

What you'd in effect end up with is a matrix for each words, with the score for each letter position, and the sum total score fore each word in the matrix.

Purpose of the Program

Hehe, I might as well say it: The program is for hacking terminals in the game Fallout 3. :D My thinking is that it's a great way to learn Perl while also having fun gaming.

Here's one of the Fallout 3 terminal hacking tutorials I've used for research: FALLOUT 3: Hacking FAQ v1.2, and I've already made a program to shorten the list of words, like this:

# See if one word has equal letters as the other, and how many of them are equal
use strict;
use warnings; 

my $checkword = "APPRECIATION"; # the word to be checked
my $match = 4; # equal to the match you got from testing your checkword
my @checkletters = split(//, $checkword); #/

my @wordlist = qw(

print "$checkword has $match letters in common with:\n";

foreach my $word (@wordlist) {
    next if $word eq $checkword;
    my @letters = split(//, $word);
    my $length = @letters; # determine length of array (how many letters to check)

    my $eq_letters = 0; # reset to 0 for every new word to be tested
    for (my $i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
        if ($letters[$i] eq $checkletters[$i]) {
    if ($eq_letters == $match) {
        print "$word\n";
# Now to make a script on to find the best word to check in the first place...

This script will yield CONSTRUCTION and TRANSMISSION as its result, just as in the game FAQ. The trick to the original question, though (and the thing I didn't manage to find out on my own), is how to find the best word to try in the first place, i.e. APPRECIATION.

OK, I've now supplied my own solution based on your help, and consider this thread closed. Many, many thanks to all the contributers. You've helped tremendously, and on the way I've also learned a lot. :D

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Kebman Avatar asked Jul 10 '11 05:07


4 Answers

Here's one way. Having re-read your spec a couple of times I think it's what you're looking for.

It's worth mentioning that it's possible there will be more than one word with an equal top score. From your list there's only one winner, but it's possible that in longer lists, there will be several equally winning words. This solution deals with that. Also, as I understand it, you count letter matches only if they occur in the same column per word. If that's the case, here's a working solution:

use 5.012;
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Util 'max';

my @words = qw/

my @scores;
foreach my $word ( @words ) {
    my $score;
    foreach my $comp_word ( @words ) {
        next if $comp_word eq $word;
        foreach my $pos ( 0 .. ( length $word ) - 1 ) {
            $score++ if substr( $word, $pos, 1 ) eq substr( $comp_word, $pos, 1);
    push @scores, $score;
my $max = max( @scores );
my ( @max_ixs ) = grep { $scores[$_] == $max } 0 .. $#scores;

say "Words with most matches:";
say for @words[@max_ixs];

This solution counts how many times per letter column each word's letters match other words. So for example:

Words:     Scores:       Because:
ABC        1, 2, 1 = 4   A matched once,  B matched twice, C matched once.
ABD        1, 2, 1 = 4   A matched once,  B matched twice, D matched once.
CBD        0, 2, 1 = 3   C never matched, B matched twice, D matched once.
BAC        0, 0, 1 = 1   B never matched, A never matched, C matched once.

That gives you the winners of ABC and ABD, each with a score of four positional matches. Ie, the cumulative times that column one, row one matched column one row two, three, and four, and so on for the subsequent columns. It may be able to be optimized further, and re-worded to be shorter, but I tried to keep the logic fairly easy to read. Enjoy!

UPDATE / EDIT I thought about it and realized that though my existing method does exactly what your original question requested, it did it in O(n^2) time, which is comparatively slow. But if we use hash keys for each column's letters (one letter per key), and do a count of how many times each letter appears in the column (as the value of the hash element), we could do our summations in O(1) time, and our traversal of the list in O(n*c) time (where c is the number of columns, and n is the number of words). There's some setup time too (creation of the hash). But we still have a big improvement. Here is a new version of each technique, as well as a benchmark comparison of each.

use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Util qw/ max sum /;
use Benchmark qw/ cmpthese /;

my @words = qw/

# Just a test run for each solution.
my( $top, $indexes_ref );

($top, $indexes_ref ) = find_top_matches_force( \@words );
print "Testing force method: $top matches.\n";
print "@words[@$indexes_ref]\n";

( $top, $indexes_ref ) = find_top_matches_hash( \@words );
print "Testing hash  method: $top matches.\n";
print "@words[@$indexes_ref]\n";

my $count = 20000;
cmpthese( $count, {
    'Hash'  => sub{ find_top_matches_hash( \@words ); },
    'Force' => sub{ find_top_matches_force( \@words ); },
} );

sub find_top_matches_hash {
    my $words = shift;
    my @scores;
    my $columns;
    my $max_col = max( map { length $_ } @{$words} ) - 1;
    foreach my $col_idx ( 0 .. $max_col ) {
        $columns->[$col_idx]{ substr $_, $col_idx, 1 }++ 
            for @{$words};
    foreach my $word ( @{$words} ) {
        my $score = sum( 
                $columns->[$_]{ substr $word, $_, 1 } - 1
            } 0 .. $max_col
        push @scores, $score;
    my $max = max( @scores );
    my ( @max_ixs ) = grep { $scores[$_] == $max } 0 .. $#scores;
    return(  $max, \@max_ixs );

sub find_top_matches_force {
    my $words = shift;
    my @scores;
    foreach my $word ( @{$words} ) {
        my $score;
        foreach my $comp_word ( @{$words} ) {
            next if $comp_word eq $word;
            foreach my $pos ( 0 .. ( length $word ) - 1 ) {
                $score++ if 
                    substr( $word, $pos, 1 ) eq substr( $comp_word, $pos, 1);
        push @scores, $score;
    my $max = max( @scores );
    my ( @max_ixs ) = grep { $scores[$_] == $max } 0 .. $#scores;
    return( $max, \@max_ixs );

The output is:

Testing force method: 39 matches.
Testing hash  method: 39 matches.
        Rate Force  Hash
Force 2358/s    --  -74%
Hash  9132/s  287%    --

I realize your original spec changed after you saw some of the other options provided, and that's sort of the nature of innovation to a degree, but the puzzle was still alive in my mind. As you can see, my hash method is 287% faster than the original method. More fun in less time!

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DavidO Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11


As a starting point, you can efficiently check how many letters they have in common with:

$count = ($word1 ^ $word2) =~ y/\0//;

But that's only useful if you loop through all possible pairs of words, something that isn't necessary in this case:

use strict;
use warnings;
my @words = qw/

# you want a hash to indicate which letters are present how many times in each position:

my %count;
for my $word (@words) {
    my @letters = split //, $word;
    $count{$_}{ $letters[$_] }++ for 0..$#letters;

# then for any given word, you get the count for each of its letters minus one (because the word itself is included in the count), and see if it is a maximum (so far) for any position or for the total:

my %max_common_letters_count;
my %max_common_letters_words;
for my $word (@words) {
    my @letters = split //, $word;
    my $total;
    for my $position (0..$#letters, 'total') {
        my $count;
        if ( $position eq 'total' ) {
            $count = $total;
        else {
            $count = $count{$position}{ $letters[$position] } - 1;
            $total += $count;
        if ( ! $max_common_letters_count{$position} || $count >= $max_common_letters_count{$position} ) {
            if ( $max_common_letters_count{$position} && $count == $max_common_letters_count{$position} ) {
                push @{ $max_common_letters_words{$position} }, $word;
            else {
                $max_common_letters_count{$position} = $count;
                $max_common_letters_words{$position} = [ $word ];

# then show the maximum words for each position and in total: 

for my $position ( sort { $a <=> $b } grep $_ ne 'total', keys %max_common_letters_count ) {
    printf( "Position %s had a maximum of common letters of %s in words: %s\n",
        join(', ', @{ $max_common_letters_words{$position} })
printf( "The maximum total common letters was %s in words(s): %s\n",
    join(', ', @{ $max_common_letters_words{'total'} })
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ysth Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11


Here's a complete script. It uses the same idea that ysth mentioned (although I had it independently). Use bitwise xor to combine the strings, and then count the number of NULs in the result. As long as your strings are ASCII, that will tell you how many matching letters there were. (That comparison is case sensitive, and I'm not sure what would happen if the strings were UTF-8. Probably nothing good.)

use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;

use List::Util qw(max);

sub findMatches
  my ($words) = @_;

  # Compare each word to every other word:
  my @matches = (0) x @$words;

  for my $i (0 .. $#$words-1) {
    for my $j ($i+1 .. $#$words) {
      my $m = ($words->[$i] ^ $words->[$j]) =~ tr/\0//;

      $matches[$i] += $m;
      $matches[$j] += $m;

  # Find how many matches in the best word:
  my $max = max(@matches);

  # Find the words with that many matches:
  my @wanted = grep { $matches[$_] == $max } 0 .. $#matches;

  wantarray ? @$words[@wanted] : $words->[$wanted[0]];
} # end findMatches

my @words = qw(

say for findMatches(\@words);
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cjm Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11


Haven't touched perl in a while, so pseudo-code it is. This isn't the fastest algorithm, but it will work fine for a small amount of words.

totals = new map #e.g. an object to map :key => :value

for each word a
  for each word b
    next if a equals b

    totals[a] = 0
    for i from 1 to a.length
      if a[i] == b[i]
        totals[a] += 1

return totals.sort_by_key.last

Sorry about the lack of perl, but if you code this into perl, it should work like a charm.

A quick note on run-time: this will run in time number_of_words^2 * length_of_words, so on a list of 100 words, each of length 10 characters, this will run in 100,000 cycles, which is adequate for most applications.

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ghayes Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11
