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Loop invariant of linear search

As seen on Introduction to Algorithms (http://mitpress.mit.edu/algorithms), the exercise states the following:

Input: Array A[1..n] and a value v

Output: Index i, where A[i] = v or NIL if v does not found in A

Write pseudocode for LINEAR-SEARCH, which scans through the sequence, looking for v. Using a loop invariant, prove that your algorithm is correct. (Make sure that your loop invariant fulfills the three necessary properties – initialization, maintenance, termination.)

I have no problem creating the algorithm, but what I don't get is how can I decide what's my loop invariant. I think I understood the concept of loop invariant, that is, a condition that is always true before the beginning of the loop, at the end/beginning of each iteration and still true when the loop ends. This is usually the goal, so for example, at insertion sort, iterating over j, starting at j = 2, the A[1..j-1] elements are always sorted. This makes sense to me. But for a linear search? I can't think of anything, it just sounds too simple to think of a loop invariant. Did I understand something wrong? I can only think of something obvious like (it's either NIL or between 0 and n). Thanks a lot in advance!

like image 848
Clash Avatar asked Apr 07 '11 17:04


People also ask

What is the loop invariant for linear search?

I think I understood the concept of loop invariant, that is, a condition that is always true before the beginning of the loop, at the end/beginning of each iteration and still true when the loop ends. This is usually the goal, so for example, at insertion sort, iterating over j , starting at j = 2 , the A[1..

What is loop invariant with example?

Loop invariant condition is a condition about the relationship between the variables of our program which is definitely true immediately before and immediately after each iteration of the loop. For example: Consider an array A{7, 5, 3, 10, 2, 6} with 6 elements and we have to find maximum element max in the array.

How do you prove a loop invariant?

Example: Sum of Numbers Initialization: At the start of the first loop the loop invariant states: 'At the start of the first iteration of the loop, the variable answer should contain the sum of the numbers from the subarray A[0:0], which is an empty array.

What is the loop invariant for selection sort?

The loop invariant for selection sort is that the elements of the newly sorted array up to the current index, A[0..i] will contain the i smallest elements of our original input, A[0..n-1] . They will also be in sorted order.

2 Answers

LINEAR-SEARCH(A, ν) 1  for i = 1 to A.length 2      if A[i] == ν  3          return i 4  return NIL  

Loop invariant: at the start of the ith iteration of the for loop (lines 1–4),

 k  [1, i) A[k]  ν.   


i == 1  [1, i) == Ø   k  Ø A[k]  ν, 

which is true, as any statement regarding the empty set is true (vacuous truth).

Maintenance: let's suppose the loop invariant is true at the start of the ith iteration of the for loop. If A[i] == ν, the current iteration is the final one (see the termination section), as line 3 is executed; otherwise, if A[i] ≠ ν, we have

 k  [1, i) A[k]  ν and A[i]  ν   k  [1, i+1) A[k]  ν, 

which means that the invariant loop will still be true at the start of the next iteration (the i+1th).

Termination: the for loop may end for two reasons:

  1. return i (line 3), if A[i] == ν;
  2. i == A.length + 1 (last test of the for loop), in which case we are at the beginning of the A.length + 1th iteration, therefore the loop invariant is

     k  [1, A.length + 1) A[k]  ν   k  [1, A.length] A[k]  ν 

    and the NIL value is returned (line 4).

In both cases, LINEAR-SEARCH ends as expected.

like image 60
frallebini Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 06:09


After you have looked at index i, and not found v yet, what can you say about v with regard to the part of the array before i and with regard to the part of the array after i?

like image 26
Svante Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 07:09
