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What's the fastest way to brush up on algorithms for a technical interview (on Monday)? [closed]



People also ask

What are the most important algorithms for interviews?

Tree Traversal Algorithms: The most commonly used type is called the Binary Tree where each node can have a maximum of two children. Tree traversal is essentially the process of visiting each node of the tree while also performing some functions on all the values.

Starting Project Euler might help you, also try picking up Algorithms in a Nutshell and working through those examples. Should be do-able in a weekend.

  1. TopCoder Algorithm Tutorials

  2. Get the Algorithm Design Manual and look at the reference section. It has a nice "Problem -> Algorithm" cheat sheet.

Also take a look at questions on StackOverflow that are tagged Algorithm.

They might actually turn up in the interview ;)

Best of Luck!

This SO Question would be helpful. Also, mostly you should know about

* Sorting
* Searching
* Inserting and removing from various data structures

As this are the main algorithms which are normally asked in the interviews.

*Note: This is from my personal experience and it may differ from person to person.