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log4j : current time in milliseconds




In log4j.properties I can set PatternLayout e.g. ("[%p] %c - %m - %d %n")

Is there any symbol (%something) which returns current time in milliseconds?

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alicjasalamon Avatar asked Aug 01 '12 10:08


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2 Answers

You can try this one.

log4j.appender.appender_name.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %p [%c] - %m%n

Date params %d. For example : %d{HH:mm:ss,SSS}.


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turankonan Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 15:10


There is no Log4J symbol that does exactly what you want.

%d returns the current date with a given pattern, defined by a SimpleDateFormat (the pattern you put between the brackets), but doesn't give you the time in millis.

%r gives the number of milliseconds since the start of execution.

One possible way of achieving what you want is to extend the behaviour of Log4j, it's quite a bit more complex, but if it's absolutely necessary... here you go:

Customize log4j (edit: no longer online?)
Customize log4j (edit: 2018 alternative)

Edit: Keep in mind that, from your comment, if you need to figure out time differences between executions in different machines, you have to make sure the clocks of the machines are synchronized, or it'll be leading you to wrong conclusions.

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pcalcao Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 15:10
