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How can a Java class have no no-arg constructor?

The Oracle Java tutorial site has this paragraph that is confusing me:

All classes have at least one constructor. If a class does not explicitly declare any, the Java compiler automatically provides a no-argument constructor, called the default constructor. This default constructor calls the class parent's no-argument constructor, or the Object constructor if the class has no other parent. If the parent has no constructor (Object does have one), the compiler will reject the program.

If all objects directly or indirectly inherit from Object how is it possible to elicit the compiler rejection spoken of? Does it have to do with the constructor being private?

like image 974
offex Avatar asked Mar 12 '11 23:03


2 Answers

If all objects directly or indirectly inherit from Object how is it possible to elicit the compiler rejection spoken of?

I think the basis is of your misunderstanding is that you are thinking that constructors are inherited. In fact, constructors are NOT inherited in Java. So consider the following example:

public class A {
    public A(int i) { super(); ... }

public class B extends A {
    public B() { super(); ... }

The class A:

  • does not inherit any constructors from Object,
  • does not explicitly declare a no-args constructor (i.e. public A() {...}), and
  • does not have a default constructor (since it does declare another constructor).

Hence, it has one and only one constructor: public A(int).

The call to super() in the B class tries to use a non-existent no-args constructor in A and gives a compilation error. To fix this, you either need to change the B constructor to use the A(int) constructor, or declare an explicit no-args constructor in A.

(Incidentally, it is not necessary for a constructor to explicitly call a superclass constructor ... as I've done. But a lot of people think it is good style to include an explicit call. If you leave it out, the Java compiler inserts an implicit call to the superclasses no-args constructor ... and that results in a compilation error if the no-args constructor does not exist or is not visible to the subclass.)

Does it have to do with the constructor being private?

Not directly. However, declaring a constructor private will prevent that constructor being called from a child class.

like image 195
Stephen C Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 01:10

Stephen C

The key thing to understand is that the no-arg constructor will only be automatically generated if the class doesn't already have a constructor.

It's thus easy to create a class that doesn't have a no-arg constructor.

like image 44
Arjan Tijms Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 03:10

Arjan Tijms