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Load existing components dynamically Angular 2 Final Release

I'm trying to load dynamically a component in the final release 2.0.0.

Using RC5 I was loading using the following code:

Create a directive to load the controls:

import {
  CheckboxComponent, CheckboxListComponent,DatePickerComponent
} from '../components/';

      selector: '[ctrl-factory]'
    export class ControlFactoryDirective implements OnChanges {
      @Input() model: any;

      constructor(private vcRef: ViewContainerRef, private resolver: ComponentResolver) {

      create(cp) {
          .then(factory => {
            const injector = ReflectiveInjector.fromResolvedProviders([], this.vcRef.parentInjector);
            this.vcRef.createComponent(factory, 0, injector, []);
            let ch = this.vcRef.createComponent(factory, 0, injector, []).instance;
            ch.model = this.model;

      ngOnChanges() {
        if (!this.model) return;

        switch (this.model.type) {
          case 'checkbox':
          case 'checkboxlist':
          case 'datepicker':

Then loaded that directive in my page like this:

<div ctrl-factory *ngFor="let child of page.childrens" [model]="child"></div>

But after updating from rc5 to 2.0.0 final release, the resolver doesn't exist anymore, was replaced by compiler.

I found loads of places showing how to load it using different codes, but all those too complex and I couldn't make it work.

Take this for instance: How can I use/create dynamic template to compile dynamic Component with Angular 2.0?

It looks more specific to that scenario, my one I just need to load the component and set an @Input called model.

One thing when I was trying I had to create dynamically a module for each component, then add the component to it. But then I had issues saying that the component was being set in more than one Module, try to remove in some place an not working.

The major part of the code shown, I get from this link: http://blog.lacolaco.net/post/dynamic-component-creation-in-angular-2-rc-5/

And did a couple of changes.


I manage to make it work, using the following approach:

The create method has been changed to

private create(cp) {
      imports: [BrowserModule, ControlsModule],
      declarations: []
    class DynamicModule {}

      .then(({componentFactories}) => {
        const compFactory = componentFactories.find(x => x.componentType === cp);
        const injector = ReflectiveInjector.fromResolvedProviders([], this.vcRef.parentInjector);
        const cmpRef = this.vcRef.createComponent(compFactory, 0, injector, []);
        cmpRef.instance.model = this.model;

Most places I've found, set create the Component and set it to the DynamicModule, the issue with that is when you are already declaring that same component in a different module, angular is going to complain about. The solution in my case was to import the my ControlsModule that has all my controls being exported.

like image 953
Abner Avatar asked Sep 24 '16 17:09


People also ask

What can I use instead of ComponentFactoryResolver?

In Angular 13 the new API removes the need for ComponentFactoryResolver being injected into the constructor, like you did in your code. Now to dynamically create a component you have to use ViewContainerRef.

How do you load component dynamically in Angular 13?

Dynamically load components in Angular 12 and 13 In the html template, there is a with viewContainerRef. We use ViewChild('viewContainerRef') to obtain the ViewContainerRef. Moreover, we declare ComponentRef array to release the memory of FoodCardComponent in ngOnDestroy to avoid memory leaks.

How can you dynamically load the component?

To dynamically load the component, we use the directive as an anchor and create the component into its position in the DOM. The createComponent method requires the component type, not the instance.

Can we create component dynamically in Angular?

If we go by the Angular definition, a factory component Angular is a base class for a factory that can create a component dynamically. Instantiate a factory for a given type of component with resolveComponentFactory(). Use the resulting ComponentFactory. create() method to create a component of that type.

1 Answers


NgComponentOutlet was introduced in 4.0.0-beta.3 https://github.com/angular/angular/commit/8578682

Coming soon NgComponentOutlet

I see two options to do that:

1) Using ComponentFactoryResolver.

It uses the already generated factory and the code looks something like this:

constructor(private vcRef: ViewContainerRef, private resolver: ComponentFactoryResolver) { }
create(comp) {
  const factory = this.resolver.resolveComponentFactory(comp);
  const compRef = this.vcRef.createComponent(factory);

  (<any>compRef).instance.model = this.model;

In this case we have to define dynamic component in declarations and entryComponents properties within decorator of module

  imports:      [ BrowserModule ],
  declarations: [ AppComponent, DynamicComponent ],
  entryComponents: [DynamicComponent],
  bootstrap:    [ AppComponent ]
export class AppModule { }
  • Dynamically Creating Components With Angular 2.0
  • Plunker Example

2) Using Compiler

In this case we can only run module compilation by using compiler.compileModuleAndAllComponentsAsync and then find component from componentFactories array. Your directive might look like this:

constructor(private vcRef: ViewContainerRef, private loader: DynamicLoaderService) { }

create(comp) {
  this.loader.createComponentFactory(comp).then(factory => {
     const compRef = this.vcRef.createComponent(factory);

    (<any>compRef).instance.model = this.model;

DynamicLoaderService is a global service that will load and store component factories.

export class DynamicLoaderService {
  constructor(protected compiler: Compiler) {}

  private resolveCompHelper$ = new Subject<any>();
  private cache = new Map<string, ComponentFactory<any> | number>();

  public createComponentFactory(type: string) : Promise<ComponentFactory<any>> {
    let factory = this.cache.get(type);

    // if factory has been already loading
    if(factory === 1) {
      return new Promise((resolve) => {
        // waiting compilation of factory
        const subscriber = this.resolveCompHelper$.subscribe((data) => {
          if(type !== data.type) return;
    // factory exists in cache
    if (factory) {
      return new Promise((resolve) => resolve(factory));

    const comp = typeMap[type];
    // factory startes loading
    this.cache.set(type, 1);
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
        .then((moduleWithFactories: ModuleWithComponentFactories<any>) =>  {
            factory = moduleWithFactories.componentFactories
              .find(x => x.componentType === comp);
            this.cache.set(type, factory);
            this.resolveCompHelper$.next({ type, factory});


Plunker Example

Hope it helps you!

like image 161
yurzui Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 04:10
