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ReactJs Select add default value

I want to store select default value if user not touch it in ReactJs. How is that possible?

<select onChange={this.valSelected.bind(this)}>
    {currencies.map(function(name, index){
        return <option value={name}>{name}</option>;


        valSelected: event.target.value
like image 686
IntoTheDeep Avatar asked Aug 14 '16 15:08


People also ask

How to set the default value of the selected value in react?

All controlled input components in React maintain the user’s selected value in the state. The <select> element, if it’s controlled, must have a value attribute set to the selected value in the state. To set the default value of the <select> element, you can use the defaultValue attribute in React.

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The react-select is a library that provides a custom Select component and gives you the option to customize its look, functionality, and more. To customize the options, you must provide an array of objects with key-value pairs; for instance, the options from our previous example are below.

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If you've come here for react-select v2, and still having trouble - version 2 now only accepts an object as value, defaultValue, etc. That is, try using value= { {value: 'one', label: 'One'}}, instead of just value= {'one'}. I was having a similar error.

How to set the default value in the Select Menu?

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1 Answers

You can just add a value property to the select element, set by your state.

<select value={this.state.valSelected} onChange={this.valSelected.bind(this)}>
    {currencies.map(function(name, index){
        return <option value={name}>{name}</option>;

This is described here in the react docs: Doc Link

Then set a default state for the component, either in the constructor or with getInitialState: What is the difference between using constructor vs getInitialState in React / React Native?

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Phil Bellamy Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 23:10

Phil Bellamy