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List all wiki pages on wiki `Home` page


I'm looking for a way to list all pages on the wiki Home page instead of the standard welcome message. Here's an example of what I want: https://github.com/yahoo/oozie/wiki

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Nikita Volkov Avatar asked Oct 28 '12 17:10

Nikita Volkov

People also ask

What is a wiki homepage?

A wiki is a site that is designed for groups of people to quickly capture and share ideas by creating simple pages and linking them together. Your organization can use a wiki for a variety of uses.

2 Answers

Got it! The trick was to delete the Home page, but it was impossible to do directly from github.

Here's a workaround: Go to wiki / Git Access and clone the wiki repository with the provided link. In the cloned repo just delete the file representing the Home page (in my case it was Home.md). Push the changes back.

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Nikita Volkov Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 01:10

Nikita Volkov

As of at least July 2014, none of these suggestions work anymore. They will seem to work at first, and you'll get the page full of links as your homepage, but only temporarily. Regardless of how you delete or rename the Home page, it will be auto-created again the next time you make edits to the wiki.

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Tobias J Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 01:10

Tobias J