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trying to flatten rows into columns


I have a group of rows in a table that have an id. I am trying to flatten it out in rows with multiple column. I am almost certain I have done this with a cte and maybe partition.

I have used cte's to delete duplicate data and I thought I has done something similar to what I am trying to accomplish here. I was able to come up with workable solution (listed below) but still feel like a more elegant solution should be available.

CREATE TABLE #MyTable ( RowID int , field VARCHAR(10), value  VARCHAR(10))    INSERT INTO #MyTable ( RowID, field, value ) VALUES  ( 1, 'first', 'neil' )  INSERT INTO #MyTable ( RowID, field, value ) VALUES  ( 2, 'first', 'bob'  )  INSERT INTO #MyTable ( RowID, field, value ) VALUES  ( 3, 'first', 'tom'  )  INSERT INTO #MyTable ( RowID, field, value ) VALUES  ( 1, 'last', 'young' )  INSERT INTO #MyTable ( RowID, field, value ) VALUES  ( 2, 'last', 'dylan' )  INSERT INTO #MyTable ( RowID, field, value ) VALUES  ( 3, 'last', 'petty' )  SELECT * FROM #mytable 

--trying to accomplish this with cte/partition:

SELECT rowid,     [first] = (Select value FROM #mytable where field = 'first' and rowid = t.rowid),     [last] = (Select value FROM #mytable where field = 'last' and rowid = t.rowid) FROM #mytable t GROUP BY rowid 
like image 292
boone Avatar asked Feb 01 '13 17:02


People also ask

How do I combine multiple rows into one column in SQL?

You can concatenate rows into single string using COALESCE method. This COALESCE method can be used in SQL Server version 2008 and higher. All you have to do is, declare a varchar variable and inside the coalesce, concat the variable with comma and the column, then assign the COALESCE to the variable.

How do I transpose rows to columns in SQL Server?

Then you apply the aggregate function sum() with the case statement to get the new columns for each color . The inner query with the UNPIVOT performs the same function as the UNION ALL . It takes the list of columns and turns it into rows, the PIVOT then performs the final transformation into columns.

1 Answers

This data transformation is known as a PIVOT. In SQL Server 2005+ there is a function that will perform this process. :

select * from (   SELECT *    FROM mytable ) src pivot (   max(value)   for field in (first, last) ) piv 

See SQL Fiddle with Demo.

Or you can use an aggregate function with a CASE expression:

select rowid,   max(case when field = 'first' then value end) first,   max(case when field = 'last' then value end) last from MyTable group by rowid 

See SQL Fiddle with Demo.

You can also use multiple joins on your table:

select t1.rowid,   t1.value first,   t2.value last from mytable t1 left join mytable t2   on t1.rowid = t2.rowid   and t2.field = 'last' where t1.field = 'first' 

See SQL Fiddle with Demo

The result for all versions is the same:

| ROWID | FIRST |  LAST | ------------------------- |     1 |  neil | young | |     2 |   bob | dylan | |     3 |   tom | petty | 
like image 150
Taryn Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 14:10
