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Remapping a TFS project on a new computer


So I'm a total noob when it comes to TFS. I've really only used Git previously on the Mac. This is for work as I'm switching projects and I'm not sure how to get started.

This is what happened. My computer got put on the network with its computer name. I connected to our TFS server. The person helping me get started last week created a Development folder on my c:\, and then mapped the folder structure in TFS to my local so I could view the project and do all that stuff.

Then IT didn't like that I installed the OS on my Mac partition myself and wanted to keep the images standard across machines. So they reinstalled everything on my Mac/bootcamp partition. When I connect to TFS now, on the top of one window, it says:

Local Path: C:\Projects\myWorkProject 

Why does it say that since with this new install I have not mapped the project yet. It seems to remember my old machine or workspace or something because when I look into my local path, none of the source code or any of that stuff is there which makes sense since I actually have not done any mapping on this new install.

So my question is, how do I map the project when TFS already thinks it's mapped? Thanks.

like image 716
Crystal Avatar asked Mar 10 '13 18:03


People also ask

How do I remap a project in Visual Studio?

On the old TFS machine, open the Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010), and type the following command: tf workspaces the command will list all workspaces on the machine. tf workspaces /remove:* /collection:http://<servername>:8080/tfs/<collectionname> this command will remove the appropriate mappings.

Where are TFS mappings stored?

In Team Foundation Server, the working folder mappings are stored in your TFS workspace. They are not shared between anyone else (unlike PVCS for example) and it is very easy to get a list of all your working folder mappings – in Visual Studio go to File, Source Control, Workspaces...

How do I map a TFS project to a local folder?

From Visual Studio, go to the Team Explorer Connect page (Keyboard: Ctrl + 0, C) and then connect to the project. (If the project you want to open is not listed, choose Select Projects and then connect to the project.) Map the project to a folder on your dev machine. Map the workspace and get your code.

2 Answers

TFS workspaces are unique to your user name and the remote computer name and workspace information is stored both on your local computer and on the server.

If you want to delete the existing workspace, or change the mappings, you can select the Workspace menu in Source Control Explorer, and select Workspaces... to open the Manage Workspaces dialog.

Manage Workspaces

like image 127
Edward Thomson Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 15:10

Edward Thomson

I had this problem and removing the workspace item worked. Also, I just wanna say, that as a user CVS, SVN, Git, and now TFS for a .NET project, It appears that Microsoft is going out of it's way to make something that is counter intuitive.

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user856349 Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 13:10
