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Linq group by query


Trying to work out a linq query and was wondering if you guys could help.

I have a list of objects foo and each foo object has a list of bar. bar has an active date and a numeric value. for example

foo    bar -> 01/02/05, 10000    bar -> 04/06/10, 30023 foo    bar -> 30/01/02, 23494 

And I want to write a linq query that will return me a distinct list of dates and the summed total for that date

It may be that its friday, but I'm drawing a blank.

Thanks in advance

like image 333
mat-mcloughlin Avatar asked Mar 18 '11 15:03


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1 Answers

Looks like you want:

var query = from foo in list             from bar in foo.Bars             group bar.Value by bar.Date into dates             select new { Date = dates.Key, Sum = dates.Sum() }; 
like image 122
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 03:09

Jon Skeet