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program cant start because php5.dll is missing


  1. I installed XAMPP , phpinfo: PHP Version 5.3.5
  2. Downloaded PHPPDT, installed
  3. downloaded webserver debug extension, copied dummy.php
  4. added zend_extension="c:\edward\xampp\php\ext\5_3_x_nts_comp\ZendDebugger.dll"

stop, restart apache, get:

"the program cant start because php5.dll is missing from your computer"

(while php5nts.dll is included)

is installing zend studio ce the alternative or can i make it work with XAMPP? (using Zend Studio CE works)

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edelwater Avatar asked Apr 08 '11 08:04


1 Answers

if your php version is Non-Thread-Safe (nts) you must use php extension with format example: extension=php_cl_dbg_5_2_nts.dll else if your php version is Thread-Safe (ts) you must use php extension with format example: extension=php_cl_dbg_5_2_ts.dll (notice bolded words)

So if get error like above. Firstly, check your PHP version is nts or ts, if is nts.
Then check in php.ini whether has any line like zend_extension_ts="C:\xammp\php\ext\php_dbg.dll-5.2.x" choose right version of php_dbg.dll-5.2.x from it homepage (google for it). Change from zend_extension_ts to zend_extension_nts.

Hope this help.

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ppoo Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09
