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Developer Tools - preserve console record [duplicate]


For Network, Profiles and Timeline, there is a record button, which preserves the log. Is there anyway I can do the same for console log?

Sometimes, if there is an error in the script or during post submission, the page stop rendering or redirects and the console log clears. Is there any way to see the previous logs.

like image 441
bsr Avatar asked May 08 '11 15:05


People also ask

How do you preserve logs in console?

Chrome console log Click the 3 dots, at the top-right, to open the overflow menu. Choose 'More tools' > 'Developer tools' to bring up the console. Select the 'Console'' tab and make sure the option 'Preserve log' is checked. Reproduce the issue.

What does preserve log do in Chrome dev tools?

Preserve log is a checkbox that lets you persist logs between page refreshes. This is useful when debugging website issues that require you to refresh the page, since all console output is otherwise cleared.

1 Answers

Click the settings button in the lower right corner. Under General > Console check "Preserve log upon navigation". I should mention that I'm using Chrome version 23.0.1271.101, so if you don't see the option try upgrading.

Preserve log upon navigation


As of Chrome 59.0.3071.115 you need to click on the Console tab then click on the little gear icon and check Preserve log.

enter image description here

like image 79
jwerre Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 12:11
