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Linker Command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation), Xcode 8, Swift 3

i was facing same issue today in xcode 8 version 8.3.2

right click on issue --> reveal in log

enter image description here

then you are able to check what is causing that issue

enter image description here

Maybe you installed a pod file and you are still trying to build from the .xcodeproj file instead of .xcworkspace

the only thing that worked for me was to run pod deintegrate and pod install

did you try a clean? cmd + shift + k

Okay...So here is what solved my problem...

in App Delegate File:

#import "AppDelegate.h"
#import "DarkSkyAPI.h"
//#import "Credentials.h"

I had imported Credentials.h already in the DarkSkyAPI.m file in my project. Commenting out the extra import made the error go away!

Some things to mention and maybe help anyone in the future. @umairqureshi_6's answer did help me along the process, but did not solve it. He led to where I was able to dig out the info. I kept seeing AppDelegate and DarkSkyAPI files showing up in the error log and the information it was pulling from Credentials file was causing the error. I knew it had to be in one of these 3 files, so I immediately checked imports, because I remembered hearing that the .h carries all the imports from its .m file. Boom!