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lightweight UI library for OpenGL [closed]

Like the title says, I'm looking for a library that's platform-agnostic and lightweight, for the purpose of displaying buttons, slider bars, check boxes, etc. in OpenGL. Ideally, something that is not directly coupled with OpenGL is best (ie. so that I may replace the rendering with DirectX if need be).

My 'ideal' library would have an event system that supports callbacks or something similar. This is a nice-to-have, but not absolutely required.

I looked into Qt and wxWidgets and both seem very heavy. CEGUI looks like a mess of code. Most other libraries I seen are GLUT based.

like image 896
MarkP Avatar asked Sep 07 '11 14:09


People also ask

Which C++ GUI is best?

To create the GUI app, you must use Visual Studio 2019 because it is better suited for the C++ GUI application.

Does c++ have GUI library?

Boost. UI is a C++ User Interface (GUI) Boost library that is cross-platform, uses native system-provided widgets, has STL-like and Boost-like API, is compatible with other Boost libraries and supports modern C++11/14/17 features.

Can you make GUI with OpenGL?

Yes absolutely. Maybe not practical though. Have a look at github.com/ocornut/imgui you can use opengl to render the GUI.

1 Answers

There's Dear IMGUI




It's completely graphics API agnostic. It just builds vertices. Its up to you to render them.

There's also nuklear inspired by Dear ImGUI.



like image 194
gman Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 00:11
