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<li> element alignment - reduce space on left side of bullet

I am having problem in aligning the <li> element on the left side.

In the image given below, you can see that there is space on the left side of every bullet. I want to delete that space so that both Imported & 100% Genuine bullets are directly below green tick mark.

enter image description here

Here's the code I am using.

<table border="1">
        <td><ul style="margin:0;"><li>Imported</li></ul></td>
        <td><ul style="margin:0;"><li>Authentic & Licensed</li></ul></td>
        <td><ul style="margin:0;"><li>100% Genuine</li></ul></td>
        <td><ul style="margin:0;"><li>200 GSM Paper Depth</li></ul></td>
like image 904
sumit Avatar asked Dec 15 '22 20:12


2 Answers

Change the padding-left attribute of the ul.

ul {
  padding-left: 20px;


Although I have to wonder why you're using lists if you only have one item per list?

like image 106
sachleen Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 09:12


Another option... Most web browsers by default have the bullets displayed outside of the content flow. You can change this by changing the list-style-position to inside. If you notice in the examples below, the bullets are shown in JSFiddle when they are inside, but not outside. The only other way to get the bullets to show when they are outside, is to set the padding-left for the ul element (which is in this example).

Example with bullets inside

Example with bullets outside

like image 32
ub3rst4r Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 08:12
