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Lazy vector access in parallel loops

Inside a performance-critical, parallel code I have a vector whose elements are:

  • Very expensive to compute, and the result is deterministic (the value of the element at a given position will depend on the position only)
  • Random access (typically the number of accesses are larger or much larger than the size of the vector)
  • Clustered accesses (many accesses request the same value)
  • The vector is shared by different threads (race condition?)
  • To avoid heap defragmention, the object should never be recreated, but whenever possible resetted and recycled
  • The value to be placed in the vector will be provided by a polymorphic object

Currently, I precompute all possible values of the vectors, so race condition should not be an issue. In order to improve performances, I am considering to create a lazy vector, such that the code performs computations only when the element of the vector is requested. In a parallel region, it might happen that more than one thread are requesting, and perhaps calculating, the same element at the same time. How do I take care of this possible race condition?

Below is an example of what I want to achieve. It compiles and runs properly under Windows 10, Visual Studio 17. I use C++17.

// Lazy.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>  
#include <chrono>
#include <math.h>
const double START_SUM = 1;
const double END_SUM = 1000;

//base object responsible for providing the values
class Evaluator
    Evaluator() {};
    ~Evaluator() {};
    //Function with deterministic output, depending on the position
    virtual double expensiveFunction(int pos) const = 0;
class EvaluatorA: public Evaluator
    //expensive evaluation
    virtual double expensiveFunction(int pos) const override {
        double t = 0;
        for (int j = START_SUM; j++ < END_SUM; j++)
            t += log(exp(log(exp(log(j + pos)))));
        return t;
    EvaluatorA() {};
    ~EvaluatorA() {};
class EvaluatorB : public Evaluator
    //even more expensive evaluation
    virtual double expensiveFunction(int pos) const override {
        double t = 0;
        for (int j = START_SUM; j++ < 10*END_SUM; j++)
            t += log(exp(log(exp(log(j + pos)))));
        return t;
    EvaluatorB() {};
    ~EvaluatorB() {};

class LazyVectorTest //vector that contains N possible results
    LazyVectorTest(int N,const Evaluator & eval) : N(N), innerContainer(N, 0), isThatComputed(N, false), eval_ptr(&eval)
    ~LazyVectorTest() {};

    //reset, to generate a new table of values
    //the size of the vector stays constant
    void reset(const Evaluator & eval) {
        this->eval_ptr = &eval;
        for (int i = 0; i<N; i++)
            isThatComputed[i] = false;
    int size() { return N; }
    //accessing the same position should yield the same result
    //unless the object is resetted
    const inline double& operator[](int pos) {
        if (!isThatComputed[pos]) {
            innerContainer[pos] = eval_ptr->expensiveFunction(pos);
            isThatComputed[pos] = true;
        return innerContainer[pos];

    const int N;
    const Evaluator* eval_ptr;
    std::vector<double> innerContainer;
    std::vector<bool> isThatComputed;
    //the parallel access will take place here

template <typename T>
double accessingFunction(T& A, const std::vector<int>& elementsToAccess) {
    double tsum = 0;
    int size = elementsToAccess.size();
//#pragma omp parallel for
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        tsum += A[elementsToAccess[i]];
    return tsum;

std::vector<int> randomPos(int sizePos, int N) {
    std::vector<int> elementsToAccess;
    for (int i = 0; i < sizePos; i++)
        elementsToAccess.push_back(rand() % N);
    return elementsToAccess;
int main()
    int minAccessNumber = 1;
    int maxAccessNumber = 100;
    int sizeVector = 50;

    auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
    double res = 0;
    float numberTest = 100;
    typedef LazyVectorTest container;

    EvaluatorA eval;
    for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(numberTest); i++) {
        res = eval.expensiveFunction(i);
    auto end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
    std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli>diff(end - start);
    double benchmark = diff.count() / numberTest;
    std::cout <<"Average time to compute expensive function:" <<benchmark<<" ms"<<std::endl;
    std::cout << "Value of the function:" << res<< std::endl;
    std::vector<std::vector<int>> indexs(numberTest);
    container A(sizeVector, eval);

    for (int accessNumber = minAccessNumber; accessNumber < maxAccessNumber; accessNumber++) {
        for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(numberTest); i++) {
            indexs.emplace_back(randomPos(accessNumber, sizeVector));
        auto start_lazy = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
        for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(numberTest); i++) {
            double res_lazy = accessingFunction(A, indexs[i]);
        auto end_lazy = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
        std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli>diff_lazy(end_lazy - start_lazy);
        std::cout << accessNumber << "," << diff_lazy.count() / numberTest << ", " << diff_lazy.count() / (numberTest* benchmark) << std::endl;
    return 0;
like image 439
Enzo Ferrazzano Avatar asked Jul 16 '18 07:07

Enzo Ferrazzano

1 Answers

Rather than roll you own locking, I'd first see if you get acceptable performance with std::call_once.

class LazyVectorTest //vector that contains N possible results
    //Function with deterministic output, depending on the position
    void expensiveFunction(int pos) {
        double t = 0;
        for (int j = START_SUM; j++ < END_SUM; j++)
            t += log(exp(log(exp(log(j+pos)))));
        values[pos] = t;

    LazyVectorTest(int N) : values(N), flags(N)

    int size() { return values.size(); }
    //accessing the same position should yield the same result
    double operator[](int pos) {
        std::call_once(flags[pos], &LazyVectorTest::expensiveFunction, this, pos);
        return values[pos];
    std::vector<double> values;
    std::vector<std::once_flag> flags;

call_once is pretty transparent. It allows exactly one thread to run a function to completion. The only potential drawback is that it will block a second thread waiting for a possible exception, rather than immediately do nothing. In this case that is desirable, as you want the modification values[pos] = t; to be sequenced before the read return values[pos];

like image 119
Caleth Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 15:09
