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Lazy field initialization with lambdas

I would like to implement lazy field initialization (or deferred initialization) without an if statement and taking advantage of lambdas. So, I would like to have the same behavior of the following Foo property but without the if:

class A<T>{     private T fooField;      public T getFoo(){         if( fooField == null ) fooField = expensiveInit();         return fooField;     } } 

Ignore the fact that this solution is not guaranteeing safe use for: 1) multi-threading; 2) null as a valid value of T.

So, to express the intention that the initialization of the fooField is deferred until its first use I would like to declare the fooField of the type Supplier<T> such as:

class A<T>{    private Supplier<T> fooField = () -> expensiveInit();     public T getFoo(){       return fooField.get();    } } 

and then in the getFoo property I would just return fooField.get(). But now I want that next invocations to getFoo property avoid the expensiveInit() and just return the previous T instance.

How can I achieve that without using an if?

Despite naming conventions and replacing the ->by =>, then this example could be also considered in C#. However, NET Framework version 4 already provides a Lazy<T> with the desired semantics.

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rodolfino Avatar asked Mar 18 '15 21:03


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1 Answers

Within your actual lambda, you can simply update the fooField with a new lambda, such as:

class A<T>{     private Supplier<T> fooField = () -> {        T val = expensiveInit();        fooField = () -> val;        return val;     };      public T getFoo(){        return fooField.get();     } } 

Again this solution is not thread-safe as is the .Net Lazy<T>, and does not ensure that concurrent calls to the getFoo property return the same result.

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Miguel Gamboa Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 18:10

Miguel Gamboa