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Layout Managers in Flash?

I'm kind of new to flash and i just can't find a nice way to control the position of the elements that i add to a container movie clip.

What i do is addChild to my target container Movie Clip and the control the x,y values of the child depending on the total width and total height of all other children in the container. Awful.

Could you provide me with some diretions.

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iltzortz Avatar asked Feb 24 '23 03:02


2 Answers

If you are looking for a slightly more involved layout engine; then you may wish to cast your eyes over the following projects:

  • AS3Commons UI - Lightweight and open source layout management. (example)
  • Reflex - An pure AS3 alternative to the Flex Framework. (example)
  • ASwing - A port of the JSwing layout framework from the world of Java.
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JonnyReeves Avatar answered Mar 17 '23 01:03


You can use those classes, easy to use, very helpfull :

http://www.greensock.com/liquidstage/ http://www.greensock.com/autofitarea/

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Ben Avatar answered Mar 17 '23 01:03
