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Can Silverlight do everything Flash can?

I don't know much about multimedia development and am having some trouble comparing Silverlight and Flash in terms of capability.

In other words, is there anything that can be accomplished in Flash that cannot be accomplished in Silverlight (and vice-versa)? I'm talking more in terms of graphical ability, layout, etc.

For example, could you develop a game in Flash with some Flash-only functionality that could not be also be developed using Silverlight?

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Andrew Avatar asked Mar 01 '23 04:03


1 Answers

One of the difference is the list of available video codecs in each platform. I know some customers that are forced to use Silverlight because they had a huge number of videos already in WMA format. Some other customers had their library in H264 and in this case the choice is Flash Platform.

Silverlight supported codecs

Flash supported codecs

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wezzy Avatar answered Mar 08 '23 18:03
