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What are the supported html tags in the htmlText parameter of ActionScript3 components?

Am working on a flash component that is supposed to display some dynamic text which might include HTML formatting. This text is displayed in a label component (AS3), and i would want it to render correctly, like create a line break when <br> is inserted, but it doesn't!

So am wondering what the supported HTML tags in the label component, and in general all other flash components?

like image 862
JWL Avatar asked Feb 25 '23 05:02


1 Answers

There's a complete list in the help docs. If you want my advice, try to use the htmlText property as little as possible for complex layout issues. It's a bag of hurt as soon as you mix in images or want to try some more advanced (=by standards of 2001) CSS.

Cheers, EP.

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epologee Avatar answered Apr 28 '23 02:04
