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Launch shell with inline assembly

I am working on a school assignment and I am completely stumped. The professor and TA have been of no help as every answer they provide to any student is some variation of "keep looking, the answer is there." I am trying to create a shell using this code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

const char code[] =

int main(int argc, char **argv)

char buf[sizeof(code)];
strcpy(buf, code);
((void(*)( ))buf)( );

I have tried to replace code[] with some other examples found online (including this site) as well as an example from an additional pdf the prof provided. None of these were useful. I used gdb to disassemble and attempted to construct my own code[] and that too failed. For what it's worth, I can say that in a normal user my application segfaults on the ((void(*)( ))buf)( ); line and just quits (no segfault notice) in a root user on the same line.

I have no idea where else to take this assignment and I can not work on any of the later buffer overflow tasks until I can understand this simple first step. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, I have tried this on both OSX 10.8.2 and on a Ubuntu VM via VirtualBox. I'm assuming it won't work on OSX, but I was desperate. ha For Ubuntu, we were asked to do:

sudo #sysctl -w kernel.randomize_va_space=0

sudo apt-get install zsh cd/bin sudo rm sh sudo ln -s /bin/zsh /bin/sh

Those commands should disable address space randomization, install zsh and link it to /bin/sh. I completed all of those tasks in the VM with no errors

like image 902
Jordan Wayne Crabb Avatar asked Dec 08 '22 17:12

Jordan Wayne Crabb

1 Answers

Your code disassembles to something like this :

00000000  31C0              xor eax,eax
00000002  50                push eax
00000003  682F2F7368        push dword 0x68732f2f
00000008  682F62696E        push dword 0x6e69622f
0000000D  89E3              mov ebx,esp
0000000F  50                push eax
00000010  53                push ebx
00000011  89E1              mov ecx,esp
00000013  99                cdq
00000014  B00B              mov al,0xb
00000016  CD80              int 0x80

Courtesy of ndisasm. Let's go through these instructions step by step and analyse the stack frame on the way.

xor eax,eax zeroes out the eax register, since the XOR operation of an operand with itself will always yield zero as the result. push eax then pushes the value on the stack. Therefore, the stack currently looks more or less like this (offsets shown relative to the value of esp at the start of the code, esp means the stack cell that esp currently points to) :

     0 | 00000000 |
esp -4 | xxxxxxxx |

Next, we have two push dword instructions, which push some immediate value to the stack, which - after executing them - looks like this :

     0 | 00000000 |
    -4 | 68732f2f |
    -8 | 6e69622f |
esp -12| xxxxxxxx |

esp currently points at the last byte of the second immediate value that was pushed to the stack. Let's try interpreting the pushed values as ASCII, in the order that they will be read from the stack if we start sequentially from the current value of esp. We get the byte sequence of 2f62696e2f2f7368, which in ASCII is equal to /bin//sh. Plus, the sequence ends with a 0, so it is a valid C-string.

This is the main reason why the current value of esp is saved into the register ebx. It contains the path to the executable that will be run. The double slash is not a problem for the OS, since POSIX simply ignores multiple occurrences of slashes and treats them as one slash.

Next, we have the current values of eax and ebx pushed into the stack. We know that eax contains zero, and ebx contains a pointer to the C-string "/bin//sh". The stack currently looks like this :

         0 | 00000000 |
        -4 | 68732f2f |
        -8 | 6e69622f |
    ebx -12| 00000000 |
        -16| (ebxVal) |
ecx esp -20| xxxxxxxx |

After pushing the values of the registers to the stack, the current pointer to esp is saved in ecx.

cdq is an instruction that performs a very neat trick in this case : it sign-extends the current value of eax into the edx:eax register pair. Therefore, in this case, it zeroes out the value in edx, since the sign extension of zero is zero. We could, of course, clear the value in edx with xor edx, edx, but that instruction is encoded with two bytes - and cdq only takes up one.

The next instruction puts the value 0xb (11) into the low byte register of eax. Similarly as in the previous case, we could just do mov eax, 0xb, but that would lead to a 5-byte instruction, as immediates must be encoded as full 32-bit values.

int 0x80 calls the system call invoker on Linux. It expects the number of the system call in eax (which now equals 0xb, so the sys_execve function will be called), and additional arguments in ebx, ecx, edx, esi, edi, and ebp.

Now, let's have a look at the prototype for that system call :

int execve(const char *filename, char *const argv[], char *const envp[]);

Therefore, the filename argument is placed in ebx - it points to /bin//sh. argv, placed in ecx, is an array of arguments for the executable which is to be executed and must be terminated with a NULL value. On the Intel architecture, NULL is equal to 0, and ecx points to just that : a pointer to /bin//sh, and then a NULL value. envp, which is NULL, points to an array of environment values, which must be expressed as char* values of the form key=value.

The successful execution of execve results in the current process image replaced with the image of the pointed-to executable, executed with the arguments provided. In this case, /bin/sh will be executed (if it exists) with the argument of /bin//sh.

Michael was probably right as to why this doesn't work : recent Linux kernels mark the data pages as non-executable, and trying to execute them will result in a segmentation fault.

like image 106
Daniel Kamil Kozar Avatar answered Dec 18 '22 18:12

Daniel Kamil Kozar