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Recursion in MIPS

I want to implement a recursive program in assembly for MIPS. More specifically, I want to implement the well-known Fibonacci function.

Here's the implementation in C:

int fib(int n) {
        return 1;
    return fib(n-1)+fib(n-2);
like image 250
rigon Avatar asked Dec 10 '22 15:12


1 Answers

Here is the code to do a recursive factorial function in MIPS assembly. Changing it to do Fibonacci is left as an exercise to the reader. (Note: delay slots aren't optimized in this code, as it's designed for readability.)

# int fact(int n)
    subu    sp, sp, 32  # Allocate a 32-byte stack frame
    sw  ra, 20(sp)  # Save Return Address
    sw  fp, 16(sp)  # Save old frame pointer
    addiu   fp, sp, 28  # Setup new frame pointer
    sw  a0,  0(fp)  # Save argument (n) to stack

    lw  v0, 0(fp)   # Load n into v0
    bgtz    v0, L2      # if n > 0 jump to rest of the function
    li  v0, 1       # n==1, return 1
    j   L1      # jump to frame clean-up code

    lw  v1, 0(fp)   # Load n into v1
    subu    v0, v1, 1   # Compute n-1
    move    a0, v0      # Move n-1 into first argument
    jal fact        # Recursive call

    lw  v1, 0(fp)   # Load n into v1
    mul v0, v0, v1  # Compute fact(n-1) * n

    #Result is in v0, so clean up the stack and return
    lw  ra, 20(sp)  # Restore return address
    lw  fp, 16(sp)  # Restore frame pointer
    addiu   sp, sp, 32  # Pop stack
    jr  ra      # return
    .end    fact
like image 106
D'Nabre Avatar answered Jan 05 '23 18:01
