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Laravel 8 jetstream stack inertia. Redirect to Home after Login, instead of users choice

What happens to me is that if the user puts the url: project.test/med, the system redirects to Login but then it does not redirect to dashboard but to med. In RedirectIfAuthenticated the expression Auth::guard($guard)->check() is not evaluated or at least in the Log it is not shown, so I am not able to identify what is happening.

/** RedirectIfAuthenticated.php */
    public function handle($request, Closure $next, ...$guards)
       $guards = empty($guards) ? [null] : $guards;
       foreach ($guards as $guard) {
         if (Auth::guard($guard)->check()) {
            return redirect(RouteServiceProvider::HOME);
      return $next($request);

    /** web.php */
     Route::middleware(['auth:sanctum', 'verified'])->get('/dashboard', function () {
         return Inertia\Inertia::render('Dashboard');
    Route::middleware(['auth:sanctum','verified'])->get('/med', function (Request $request) {
         return Inertia\Inertia::render('Med');
like image 945
gioalvaro Avatar asked Nov 28 '22 05:11


1 Answers

Go to config/fortify.php and modify this line:

'home' => RouteServiceProvider::HOME,


'home' => function(){
    //if you want to go to a specific route
    return route('dashboard');
    //or if you have a bunch of redirection options
    if (Auth::user()->hasRole('admin')) {
       return route('admin.dashboard');
       return route('guest.dashboard');
like image 145
estern76 Avatar answered Dec 06 '22 00:12
