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Translation strings as keys in Laravel

I read the documentation for translation strings on Retrieving Translation Strings but somehow I don't understand how to apply it.

Let's say I would like to render in a view posts.index the message "I like programming" in English, German ("Ich mag Programmieren") or Spanish ("Me encanta programar"), depending on the localization set by App::setLocale().

How would the translation files look like and how would I setup the view?

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Andreas Avatar asked Nov 28 '22 13:11


1 Answers

I finally understood the concept. Within resources/lang you create a translation JSON file for every language, e. g.:


There is no need to create an en.json file as en will be the default language if you don't set a language with App::setLocale().


     "I love programming.": "Ich mag programmieren."


     "I love programming.": "Me encanta programar."

Next, you set in your controller the language via App::setLocale(); and now comes the fun part. In the view, you only include the key of the JSON, e. g.

{{ __('I love programming.') }}

and depending on your localization, Laravel will automatically load the correct translation.

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Andreas Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 12:12
