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Set Global variables in Laravel 5




What is the best way to add variables to Laravel framework that is accessible across Controllers and Views?

I don't want to use .env for storing the variables as it wouldn't be available via Git.

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Santosh Achari Avatar asked Nov 29 '22 06:11

Santosh Achari

1 Answers

You can create a file within config folder. e.g.

|- constants.php

Inside constants.php you can define your global variables


return [

    | User Defined Variables
    | This is a set of variables that are made specific to this application
    | that are better placed here rather than in .env file.
    | Use config('your_key') to get the values.

    'company_name' => env('COMPANY_NAME','Acme Inc'),
    'company_email' => env('COMPANY_email','[email protected]'),


You can access these variable using either of these two functions:


For Blade as well:

{{ config('constants.company_email') }}
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Santosh Achari Avatar answered Dec 06 '22 08:12

Santosh Achari