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Laravel 5.1 DB:select toArray()

I have a large SQL statement that I am executing like so:

$result = DB::select($sql); 

For example

$result = DB::select('select * from users'); 

I'd like the result to be an array - but at the moment it returns a structure like so, an array with Objects...

Array (     0 => stdClass::__set_state(array(         'id' => 1,         'first_name' => 'Pavel',         'created_at' => '2015-02-23 05:46:33',     )),     1 => stdClass::__set_state(array(         'id' => 2,         'first_name' => 'Eugene',         'created_at' => '2016-02-23 05:46:34',     )), ...etc... 


like image 430
Yevgeniy Afanasyev Avatar asked May 30 '16 04:05

Yevgeniy Afanasyev

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1 Answers

Seems like you need to cast the stdClass Objects as Array so you can have the structure you are looking for

$result = array_map(function ($value) {     return (array)$value; }, $result); 
like image 192
Jose Mujica Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 09:09

Jose Mujica