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Class 'App\Http\Controllers\Session' not found in Laravel 5.2 [duplicate]

I am using sessions in Laravel 5.2 . There is my Controller code:

if (Session::has('panier')) {      $panier = Session::get('panier');   } 

I try just to get a value from the session, and I got this error:

FatalErrorException in ProduitsController.php line 106: Class 'App\Http\Controllers\Session' not found 

How can I resolve it?

like image 364
AiD Avatar asked Dec 22 '15 15:12


1 Answers

From the error message:

Class 'App\Http\Controllers\Session' not found

I see that Laravel is searching the Session class in the current namespace: App\Http\Controllers

The problem is you don't have aliased the class from the global namespace: Session is a Facade, and all the facades are in the global namespace

To use the class from the global namespace, put:

use Session; 

on top of your controller, after your namespace declaration

Alternatively, you can call the class from the global namespace with:

like image 167
Moppo Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 16:10
