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Laravel, right way to import javascript into Blade Templates

I am using Laravel 5.6. This page did not work for me.

pizza/index.blade.php looks like this:

@extends('layouts.app')   @section('content')     <!-- Styles -->     <link href="{{ asset('css/pizza.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">     <!-- Scripts -->     <script src="{{ asset('js/components/pizza.js')}}"></script>     <div class="container">         <div class="row justify-content-center">             <div class="card">                 <div class="card-header">Pizza</div>                 <div class="card-body">                     <form action="/pizzas" method="post">                         @if ($errors->any())                             <div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">                                 Please fix the following errors                             </div>                         @endif                         @include('pizza.table')                     </form>                 </div>             </div>         </div>     </div> @endsection 


<div class="pizza-selection">     <b>Thanks god its pizza day! Select your pizza of the day!</b>     <table id="pizzas" class="md-box">         <tr>             ...         </tr>         @foreach ($pizzas as $pizza)             ...         @endforeach         <tr>             ...             <input type="button" class="md-box btn btn-default"               id="add_new_pizza" onClick="addPizza()" value="Add Pizza!">             </td>         </tr>     </table>     ... 

I get a reference error when I click on the "add_new_pizza" button, onClick="addPizza()", addPizza() is not defined. However, I try to import pizza.js in index.blade.php

<script src="{{ asset('js/components/pizza.js')}}"></script> 

printing out asset('js/components/pizza.js') returns http://localhost:8080/js/components/pizza.js which looks right to me.

public/js/components/pizza.js looks like follows:

import PizzaService from '../services/PizzaService.js';  async function addPizza(){     // some functionality } 

It also worked when I had the function addPizza() inside the script at .blade.php.

Also, find the repository on GitHub if you need any further code reviews: https://github.com/andrelandgraf/laravel-docker

EDIT: When I copy the pizza.js inside <script><script> it works fine, but I receive a SyntaxError: import declarations may only appear at top level of a module. This SyntaxError dissapears when I import the script via src like you can see in my code examples. For me, this indicates that the script is not loaded at all.

EDIT2 & Solution: I used @kerbholz solution. I added @stack('scripts') to the bottom of the body in app.blade.php and inside @section('content') of index.blade.php I know @push('stack') the pizza.js file.

I am now one step further but I still receive the SyntaxError stated in EDIT. Is there a workaround for that or do I just have to remove the import of PizzaService.js and add a <scipt>-Tag for this file as well?

EDIT3: Okay this issue is not related. It looks like ES6 modules are not yet supported by browsers.

like image 914
Andre Avatar asked Jul 30 '18 10:07


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1 Answers

Anything outside of your @section block will not be rendered.

You could edit your layouts/app.blade.php and add a @stack('head') where you want your styles/javascript to appear (preferably in the <head> section of your HTML).

In any blade file that @extends('layouts.app') you can then use

@push('head') <!-- Styles --> <link href="{{ asset('css/pizza.css') }}" rel="stylesheet"> <!-- Scripts --> <script src="{{ asset('js/components/pizza.js')}}"></script> @endpush 

to push content into that stack.

For more information visit https://laravel.com/docs/5.6/blade#stacks

like image 78
brombeer Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 15:10
