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Kotlin Coroutine Testing with Dispatchers.IO

So maybe there has been a tutorial going over this, but none of the ones I have read have addressed this issue for me. I have the structure as below and am trying to unit test, but when I go to test I always fails stating the repo method doSomthing() was never called. My best guess is because i have launched a new coroutine in a different context. How do I test this then?


interface Repository {
    suspend fun doSomething(): String

View Model

class ViewModel(val repo: Repository) {
    val liveData = MutableLiveData<String>()
    fun doSomething {
    //Do something here
        viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
            val data = repo.doSomething()
            withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
                liveData.value = data

View Model Test

class ViewModelTest {
    lateinit var viewModel: ViewModel
    lateinit var repo: Repository

    fun setup() {
        repo = mock<Repository>()
        viewModel = ViewModel(repo)

    fun doSomething() = runBlockingTest {
        viewModel.liveData.test().awaitValue().assertValue {
            // assert something
like image 945
Adrian Le Roy Devezin Avatar asked Jan 06 '20 22:01

Adrian Le Roy Devezin

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What is runBlockingTest?

runBlockingTest takes in a block of code and blocks the test thread until all of the coroutines it starts are finished. It also runs the code in the coroutines immediately (skipping any calls to delay ) and in the order they are called–-in short, it runs them in a deterministic order.

2 Answers

According to Google: enter image description here

Dispatchers should be injected into your ViewModels so you can properly test. You are setting the TestCorotutineDispatcher as the main Dispatcher via Dispatchers.setMain which takes control over the MainDispatcher, but you still have no control over the the execution of the coroutine launched via viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO).

Passing the Dispatcher via the constructor would make sure that your test and production code use the same dispatcher.

Typically an @Rule is defined that:

  1. Overrides the MainDispatcher via Dispatchers.setMain (like you are doing)
  2. Uses the TestCoroutineDispatcher's own runBlockingTest() to actually run the test.

Here is a really nice talk about testing and coroutines that happened at last year's Android Dev Summit.

And here is an example of such an @Rule. (Shameless plug. There are also examples of coroutine tests on that repo as well)

like image 129
Emmanuel Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 18:10


I write this solution for who use Dagger.

Inject CoroutineDispatcher in ViewModel constructor like this:

class LoginViewModel @Inject constructor(val dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher) : BaseViewModel() {

and Provide Dispatcher like this:

fun provideDispatchers(): CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.IO

and in test package, Provide Dispatcher like this:

fun provideDispatchers(): CoroutineDispatcher = UnconfinedTestDispatcher()

and now all lines in viewModelScope.launch(dispatcher) will be run

like image 24
Marjan Davodinejad Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 17:10

Marjan Davodinejad