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How to calculate Android screen aspect ratio mathematically

One of the device screen properties that Android lets an app query is it's aspect ratio. In the examples that I have seen this property seems to have only two values - long and notlong.

I am trying to reverse engineer the logic being used by Android to classify a device as having one of the two aspect ratios.

To get some official data to work with, I referred to the values provided by the device definitions included in the AVD Manager tool in Android Studio, and combined that with my own calculations: Devices included in AVD Manager

The column "Published Ratio" shows the value extracted from the AVD Manager. Based on these results, I am failing to understand how Nexus 5 and 6 are considered notlong while Galaxy S4 and Galaxy Nexus are considered long.

like image 735
Ravi Gupta Avatar asked Feb 16 '15 22:02

Ravi Gupta

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What is the formula for aspect ratio?

Lesson Summary. The aspect ratio of an image is the ratio of its width to its height. For instance, if a rectangle has an aspect ratio of 2:1, then it is twice as wide as it is tall. The aspect ratio formula is width divided by height: r=wh r = w h .

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FORMULA. If the width divided by the height equals 1.778, then the aspect ratio is 16:9 (1.78:1). If you know the width of an object but not the height, then you can find the 16:9 height by dividing width by 1.778.

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1. Display display = getWindowManager(). getDefaultDisplay(); Point size = new Point(); display. getSize(size); int width = size.

1 Answers

DisplayMetrics metrics = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
float ratio = ((float)metrics.heightPixels / (float)metrics.widthPixels);
like image 144
VikasGoyal Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 19:10
