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retrofit 2.0b2 : How to get InputStream from the response?

I'm using Retrofit 2.0b2. After getting a response, I tried getting an InputStream from the response by :

Response<JsonNode> response = call.execute();
InputStream is = response.raw().body().byteStream();

but the app keep throwing :

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot read raw response body of a converted body.
        at retrofit.OkHttpCall$NoContentResponseBody.source(OkHttpCall.java:184)
        at com.squareup.okhttp.ResponseBody.byteStream(ResponseBody.java:43)
        at ...

Despite the response returned correctly. What am I doing wrong here ?

like image 582
CatFly Avatar asked Oct 09 '15 04:10


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1 Answers

If you want the raw stream, tell retrofit to return an OkHttp ResponseBody.

import okhttp3.ResponseBody;
import retrofit2.Response;

Response<ResponseBody> response = call.execute();
try ( ResponseBody responseBody = response.body() ) {
    InputStream is = responseBody.byteStream();
    // ...

Remember to update your interface, too.

As the response body is backed by a limited resource, the responseBody object must be closed after usage. Therefore above code uses a try-with-resources statement.

like image 76
iagreen Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 13:10
