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knitr/Rmd: Adding title page and text when converting to MS Word

I'm trying to write a report using the rmarkdown package and as it is, unfortunately, customary in my field reports are often submitted as MS Word documents. So I can't always rely on the power of LaTeX and have to be able convert my .Rmd to MS Word. Now, because I want to be able to create PDF and MS Word files from the same source file, I'm trying to find a general way to do this. I've got PDF working using the apa6 LaTeX-document class. The .Rmd will look something like this when creating a Word file:

title: My title
abstract: This is the abstract.
author: John Doe
affiliation: Unknown
note: Nothing to say.

    reference_docx: myreference.docx

Lorem ipsum.

I can create a Word document from this but for obvious reasons my custom yaml-variables (e.g. abstract) will not be rendered in the document.

So basically, my problem is the following:

When creating a word document, how can I add a title page (including author names, affiliations, author notes, etc.) and another page with just the abstract before the document body ("Lorem ipsum")? The focus here is not to create pagebreaks (there are other open questions on this), but rather **is there a way to make pandoc use the custom yaml variables place them at the beginning of the document and assign styles to them?

The rmarkdown package provides an include() function but it only works with HTML and PDF documents.

like image 469
crsh Avatar asked Jan 02 '15 15:01


People also ask

How do I save code R in Word?

Basically just copy and paste your code into pretty R, and copy and paste the output (not the html) into the open document. Show activity on this post. After you copy from the Rstudio Console window and paste into a Word document, you need to highlight all the the just copied text and change the font into Courier New.

How do I save a RMD as a PDF?

To transform your markdown file into an HTML, PDF, or Word document, click the “Knit” icon that appears above your file in the scripts editor. A drop down menu will let you select the type of output that you want. When you click the button, rmarkdown will duplicate your text in the new file format.

How do I read an RMD file?

How to open an RMD file. Typically, you should open an RMD file in RStudio, as it supports RMD syntax and can actually execute the code contained within an RMD file. However, if you wish to simply view the contents of an RMD file, you can open it using any text editor.

1 Answers

I have found that it's possible to customize the content of the Markdown file (e.g. to add and modify a title page) generated by rmarkdown before submitting it to pandoc for the conversion to DOCX by using a preprocessor. Let's assume we are trying to add some information specified in a YAML parameter note just before the abstract (support for abstracts has in the meantime been added to pandoc).

To do so, we first need a preprocessor function that reads the input file and parses the YAML front matter, and customizes the input file:

my_pre_processor <- function(metadata, input_file, runtime, knit_meta, files_dir, output_dir, from) {

  # Identify YAML front matter delimiters
  input_text <- readLines(input_file, encoding = "UTF-8")
  yaml_delimiters <- grep("^(---|\\.\\.\\.)\\s*$", input_text)

  if(length(yaml_delimiters) >= 2 &&
     (yaml_delimiters[2] - yaml_delimiters[1] > 1) &&
     grepl("^---\\s*$", input_text[yaml_delimiters[1]])) {
    yaml_params <- yaml::yaml.load(paste(input_text[(yaml_delimiters[1] + 1):(yaml_delimiters[2] - 1)], collapse = "\n"))
  } else yaml_params <- NULL

  # Modify title page
  custom_lines <- c(
    , metadata$note
    , "\n\n"
    , "# Abstract"
    , "\n"
    , metadata$abstract
    , "\n"

  ## Add modified title page components after YAML front matter
  augmented_input_text <- c(custom_lines, input_text[(yaml_delimiters[2] + 1):length(input_text)])

  # Remove redundant default abstract
  yaml_params$abstract <- NULL

  # Add modifications to input file
  augmented_input_text <- c("---", yaml::as.yaml(yaml_params), "---", augmented_input_text)
  input_file_connection <- file(input_file, encoding = "UTF-8")
  writeLines(augmented_input_text, input_file_connection)


Now we need to define a custom format that utilizes our preprocessor:

my_word_document <- function(...) {
  config <- rmarkdown::word_document(...)

  # Preprocessor functions are adaptations from the RMarkdown package
  # (https://github.com/rstudio/rmarkdown/blob/master/R/pdf_document.R)
  pre_processor <- function(metadata, input_file, runtime, knit_meta, files_dir, output_dir, from = .from) {
    # save files dir (for generating intermediates)
    saved_files_dir <<- files_dir

    args <- my_pre_processor(metadata, input_file, runtime, knit_meta, files_dir, output_dir, from)

  config$pre_processor <- pre_processor

Now, you can use the custom format when rendering R Markdown documents as follows:

rmarkdown::render("./foo/bar.Rmd", output_format = my_word_document())
like image 123
crsh Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 09:09
