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Kill all pid files in a folder

I have a folder that is filled with .pid files. Each has the PID for a resque worker. How can I kill every PID in that folder from the command line?

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Sam Baumgarten Avatar asked Dec 20 '22 10:12

Sam Baumgarten

2 Answers

cat folder/*.pid | xargs kill

should do it?

If you need to specify a signal, for example KILL, then

cat folder/*.pid | xargs kill -KILL

If your pidfiles lack newlines, this may work better:

( cd folder &&
for pidfile in *.pid; do echo kill -QUIT `cat $pidfile`; done
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Faiz Avatar answered Jan 08 '23 00:01


According to the docs it says to use:

ps -e -o pid,command | grep [r]esque-[0-9] | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | xargs -L1 kill -s QUIT

Note: That looks them up by name instead of using the .pid files.

Also, the QUIT signal will gracefully kill them. If you want to forcefully kill them use TERM instead.

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cyfur01 Avatar answered Jan 08 '23 00:01
