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Keyboard sequence shortcuts for menu

I wish to have a sequence shortcut for the program I'm developing (in C# .net) to access various buttons in the menu system.

For example: Ctrl + W, O

First, the user would press Ctrl + W, followed by O

Visual studio uses this method for quite a few of it's menu shortcuts.

When I am editing a menu however, I'm limited to only one shortcut Ctrl + W or just O, I cannot sequence them.

Is this possible to do with the existing framework?

like image 949
Joel Avatar asked Dec 14 '12 08:12


1 Answers

Simply you could do this:

private void Form1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
  if (previousKeyEvent != null)
    if (previousKeyEvent.Modifiers == Keys.Control && previousKeyEvent.KeyCode == Keys.W && e.KeyCode == Keys.O)
      MessageBox.Show("Ctrl + W then O");
      MessageBox.Show("Not handled");
      previousKeyEvent = null;
    previousKeyEvent = e;

Things to consider

  • Single key combinations - Handling those without the scope of a previous key event.
  • A label for showing that you are awaiting the user input, just like visual studio.
  • Using the ShortCutKeyDisplayString property to show the custom shortcut next to the menu item.
like image 56
LukeHennerley Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 16:11
