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Remove duplicates from tree

I have the class:

class Node
    public string Name;
    public string Address;
    public int Id;
    public List<Node> Children = new List<Node>;
    public Node Parent;

To represent a node in a tree.

Now I will like to remove the duplicate nodes from a tree. Take for instance the tree:

enter image description here

Note: green Foo != purple Foo

What algorithm will enable me to remove the duplicates from the tree in order to end up with:

------------------------------------------- enter image description here

In order to determine that the green Foo is not equal (!=) to purple Foo I guess I need to have another property that stores the height of the node or some other property that will enable me to enable me to compare nodes. This is the property I think I need (CompareId):

    class Node
        public string Name;     
        public string Address;
        public int Id;
        public List<Node> Children = new List<Node>();
        public Node Parent;

        public string CompareId  //  <----------------- Property I need to compare
                var temp = this.Name + this.Address + this.Id;

                if (this.Parent == null)
                    return temp;
                    return temp + this.Parent.CompareId;

If you wish to create the same tree I have here is the code:

Node root = new Node() { Name = "Root", Id = 12, Address = "0x0A1F12" };

Node tom1 = new Node() { Name = "Tom", Id = 15, Address = "0x0F1A17", Parent=root };
Node tom2 = new Node() { Name = "Tom", Id = 15, Address = "0x0F1A17", Parent = root };
Node foo = new Node() { Name = "Foo", Id = 99, Address = "0x4C0012", Parent=root };                        

Node foo1 = new Node() { Name = "Foo", Id = 99, Address = "0x4C0012", Parent = tom1 };
Node foo2 = new Node() { Name = "Foo", Id = 99, Address = "0x4C0012", Parent = tom1 };

Node foo3 = new Node() { Name = "Foo", Id = 99, Address = "0x4C0012", Parent =  tom2};
Node foo4 = new Node() { Name = "Foo", Id = 99, Address = "0x4C0012", Parent =  tom2};

Node joe1 = new Node() { Name = "Joe", Id = 99, Address = "0x605C2C", Parent = foo };
Node joe2 = new Node() { Name = "Joe", Id = 99, Address = "0x605C2C", Parent = foo };                                                            
like image 866
Tono Nam Avatar asked Aug 28 '12 14:08

Tono Nam

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2 Answers

Please, check this out:

public class Node
    public string Name;
    public string Address;
    public int Id;
    public List<Node> Children;
    public Node Parent;

    public Node()
        this.Children = new List<Node>();

    public string CompareId
            var temp = string.Concat(this.Name, this.Address, this.Id);

            if (this.Parent == null)
                return temp;
                return string.Concat(temp, this.Parent.CompareId);

    public override bool Equals(object OtherNode)
        if (OtherNode is Node)
            return this.CompareId.Equals(((Node)OtherNode).CompareId);
            return false;

    public static Node RemoveDuplicatesFromTree(Node RootNode)
        if (RootNode.Children.Count > 0)
            List<Node> OldChildrenList = new List<Node>();

            foreach (Node CurrentChild in OldChildrenList)
                if (RootNode.Children.Any<Node>(x => x.Equals(CurrentChild)))
                    List<Node> Duplicates = RootNode.Children.Where(x => x.Equals(CurrentChild)).ToList<Node>();

                    Duplicates.ForEach(x =>
                            CurrentChild.Children = CurrentChild.Children.Union<Node>(x.Children).ToList<Node>();



        return RootNode;

It may be needless to say, still. Usage:

like image 187
Andre Calil Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09

Andre Calil

private void RemoveDuplicatesFromTree(Node root)
    List<Node> nodesToBeremoved = new List<Node>();
    root.Children.ForEach(p =>
            if (!nodesToBeremoved.Contains(p))
                nodesToBeremoved.AddRange(root.Children.Where(q => q.Name == p.Name && q != p));
    for (int i = 0; i < nodesToBeremoved.Count; i++)
    if (root.Children != null && root.Children.Count > 0)
        root.Children.ForEach(t => this.RemoveDuplicatesFromTree(t));


Just pass the root to this recursive function; it will trim all duplicates in the same level. You do not need to create a compare Id.

like image 34
daryal Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09
