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JSONb dates: actual dates internally?

I'm using the postgresql jdbc adapter to migrate a bunch of data into a jsonb field (postgres 9.4).

After importing, date fields look correct but are displayed surrounded with doublequotes. Is there a way to tell if they are actually stored internally as date values ? If they're strings, I don't think range lookups will be very efficient.

For example, an entry in a properties jsonb field looks like this:

"founded_on": "Sep 1, 2012 12:00:00 AM",

I can now search on, say,

SELECT CAST(properties->>'founded_on' AS DATE


SELECT extract('year' from cast(properties->>'founded_on' as timestamp))

and both work fine, but don't tell me whether Postgres is reparsing a string value in the jsonb field each time, as a date.

I could create an index where I cast these values to dates, and use that to search, but it seems somewhat inelegant. I'd really prefer to know that the value stored is a date. Integers and floats appear to be their actual native values, not strings, as in these:

shares_sold": 5900000,

"latitude": 33.561467,

Any feedback highly appreciated.

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Will Kessler Avatar asked Mar 26 '15 00:03

Will Kessler

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Why is Jsonb faster?

Because JSONB stores data in a binary format, queries process significantly faster. Storing data in binary form allows Postgres to access a particular JSON key-value pair without reading the entire JSON record. The reduced disk load speeds up overall performance.

What is Jsonb format?

The JSONB data type stores JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data as a binary representation of the JSONB value, which eliminates whitespace, duplicate keys, and key ordering. JSONB supports GIN indexes. Tip: For a hands-on demonstration of storing and querying JSON data from a third-party API, see the JSON tutorial.

How is Jsonb stored?

Basically, JSONB is stored decomposed, making it more efficient for the database to interact with, while the JSON type is stored as an exact text copy of what was input. This means formatting, white space, etc., will be lost with JSONB.

Is Jsonb efficient?

Most applications should use JSONB for schemaless data. It stores parsed JSON in a binary format, so queries are efficient.

1 Answers

JSON does not have a "date" type. The JSONB type (added in Pg 9.4) maps but does not extend upon JSON primitive types. The value seen is what it is, text.

While an index can be added over string properties the current "English prose" format will not be able to participate in range queries because such values are not well-ordered over dates.

Different ways of storing well-ordered dates, given the primitive type restrictions.

  • Specific ISO 8601 variation (with same timezone); text

  • UNIX time or "JavaScript time" with milliseconds; integer

  • Julian Day (see the 'J' date format); numeric

(Equality index probes can be used even if ranges cannot .. provided the values match exactly, which is still subject to using a consistent data representation.)

When applying a range query over the (JSONB / GIN) index convert the DATE values to the appropriate JSON data type (mapped to integer, numeric, text in Pg) used for the "date" property; not the other way.

When fetching the values convert the chosen format to a DATE - it's 'okay' since this is done after the range query and 'required' since JSONB does not natively support dates or times.

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user2864740 Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 19:11
