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How do I write a join with this unusual matching criteria?

I want to "left join" a table so that a value is joined not just to a matching row, but also to any subsequent non-matching rows, up to the next matching row. To put it another way, I want to fill in nulls with the previous non-null value.

Sample data and desired result:

Table x:


Table y:

 id | val 
  1 | a
  4 | b

Result of select x.id, y.val from x left join y on x.id=y.id order by x.id;:

 id | val 
  1 | a
  2 | 
  3 | 
  4 | b
  5 | 

Desired result:

 id | val 
  1 | a
  2 | a
  3 | a
  4 | b
  5 | b
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jl6 Avatar asked Apr 07 '13 10:04


People also ask

What type of join is used to include rows that do not have matching values?

The outer join is needed when you wish to include rows that do not have matching values.

What type of join is needed when you wish to include rows that have matching values?

INNER JOIN This type of join returns those records which have matching values in both tables.

Which of the following is used for join condition?

The keywords used to specify join conditions are WHERE , ON , USING , NATURAL and CROSS . WHERE can be used to to create a join between tables without using the keyword JOIN , but it can only be used for inner joins.

Can we use join and WHERE clause together?

To use the WHERE clause to perform the same join as you perform using the INNER JOIN syntax, enter both the join condition and the additional selection condition in the WHERE clause. The tables to be joined are listed in the FROM clause, separated by commas.

4 Answers


Create indices on x.id and y.id - which you probably already have if those are your primary keys.
A multi-column index may help, too, especially with index only scans in pg 9.2+:

CREATE INDEX y_mult_idx ON y (id DESC, val)

However, in my tests, this index was not used at first. Had to add (otherwise pointless) val to ORDER BY to convince the query planner that the sort order matches. See query 3.

The index makes little difference in this synthetic setup. But for tables with more columns, retrieving val from the table becomes increasingly expensive, making the "covering" index more attractive.


1) Simple

       x.id, y.val
FROM   x
JOIN   y ON y.id <= x.id
ORDER  BY x.id, y.id DESC;

SQL Fiddle.

More explanation for the technique with DISTINCT in this related answer:

  • Select first row in each GROUP BY group?

I ran some tests because I had my suspicions that the first query wouldn't scale well. It's fast with a small table, but no good with bigger tables. Postgres doesn't optimize the plan and starts with a (limited) cross join, with a cost of O(N²).

2) Fast

This query is still rather simple and scales excellently:

SELECT x.id, y.val
FROM   x
JOIN  (SELECT *, lead(id, 1, 2147483647) OVER (ORDER BY id) AS next_id FROM y) y
       ON  x.id >= y.id
       AND x.id <  y.next_id

The window function lead() is instrumental. I make use of the option to provide a default to cover the corner case of the last row: 2147483647 is the biggest possible integer. Adapt to your data type.

3) Very simple and almost as fast

     ,(SELECT val FROM y WHERE id <= x.id ORDER BY id DESC, val LIMIT 1) AS val
FROM   x;

Normally, correlated subqueries tend to be slow. But this one can just pick a value from the (covering) index and is otherwise so simple that it can compete.

The additional ORDER BY item val (bold emphasis) seems pointless. But adding it convinces the query planner that it's ok to use the multi-column index y_mult_idx from above, because the sort order matches. Note the

Index Only Scan using y_mult_idx ..

in the EXPLAIN output.

Test case

After a lively debate and multiple updates I collected all queries posted so far and made a test case for a quick overview. I only use 1000 rows so SQLfiddle does not time out with the slower queries. But the top 4 (Erwin 2, Clodoaldo, a_horse, Erwin 3) scale linearly in all my local tests. Updated once more to include my latest addition, improve format and order by performance now:

Big SQL Fiddle comparing performance.

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Erwin Brandstetter Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 19:09

Erwin Brandstetter

SQL Fiddle

    first_value(val) over(partition by g order by id) val
from (
        x.id, val, count(val) over(order by x.id) g
        left join
        y on x.id=y.id
) s
order by id
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Clodoaldo Neto Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 21:09

Clodoaldo Neto

select id,
       first_value(t.val) over (partition by group_flag order by t.id) as val
from (
  select x.id, 
            when y.val is null then 0
            else 1
          end) over (order by x.id) as group_flag
  from x 
    left join y on x.id=y.id
) t    
order by id;

SQLFiddle example: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!12/38903/1

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a_horse_with_no_name Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 19:09


    MAX(y.id) id_y
    x INNER JOIN y ON x.id >= y.id
  ) m INNER JOIN y ON m.id_y = y.id

Please see fiddle here.

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fthiella Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 20:09
