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Postgres format string using array

I'm looking for an easy way to format a string using an array, like so:

select format_using_array('Hello %s and %s', ARRAY['Jane', 'Joe']);

Hello Jane and Joe
(1 row)

There's a format function but it needs explicit arguments and I don't know how many items are there in the array. I came up with a function like that:

CREATE FUNCTION format_using_array(fmt text, arr anyarray) RETURNS text
    LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $$
        t text;
        length integer;
        length := array_length(arr, 1);
        t := fmt;
        for i in 1..length loop
           t := regexp_replace(t, '%s', arr[i]);
        end loop;

        return t;

But maybe there's an easier way that I don't know of, it's my first day using pgsql.

like image 282
MarcinJ Avatar asked Dec 20 '13 13:12


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PostgreSQL supports a character data type called TEXT. This data type is used to store character of unlimited length. It is represented as text in PostgreSQL. The performance of the varchar (without n) and text are the same. Syntax: variable_name TEXT.

What does %s mean in PostgreSQL?

Using parameter notation here ( %s ) will cause the inserted name value to be the provided string ( "my_name'); DROP TABLE my_table;" ), rather than allowing that string to execute arbitrary SQL in the database.

2 Answers

You can use a format function and VARIADIC keyword. It requires 9.3, where is fixed bug in variadic function implementation

postgres=# SELECT format('%s %s', 'first', 'second');
 first second
(1 row)

postgres=# SELECT format('%s %s', ARRAY['first', 'second']);
ERROR:  too few arguments for format
postgres=# SELECT format('%s %s', VARIADIC ARRAY['first', 'second']);
 first second
(1 row)
like image 76
Pavel Stehule Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 16:11

Pavel Stehule

In case you missed it, Postgres comes with a built-in function that basically wraps C's sprintf, that takes any number of arguments, will be faster, and is less verbose than what you're trying to create:

select format('Hello %s and %s', 'Jane', 'Joe');       -- Hello Jane and Joe

It'll also be less bug prone at that, considering that it allows positional arguments rather than relying on regexp_replace(), and supports formatting flags as a bonus:

select format('Hello %2$s and %1$s', 'Jane', 'Joe');   -- Hello Joe and Jane


At any rate, if you truly persist at wanting such an array-driven function, you'll probably need to unnest() the array in order to build (and properly escape) an SQL string, so as to ultimately call the above-mentionned format() using dynamic SQL:


like image 24
Denis de Bernardy Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 16:11

Denis de Bernardy