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Declaring an array type




While discussing another question on SO, I was told that the syntax

int[] numbers = new int[10];

Is better than

Array numbers = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(int), 10);

My question is, when is the first syntax useful and when is the second syntax useful? And why?

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TheSilverBullet Avatar asked Feb 20 '13 12:02


2 Answers

This creates a strongly typed monodimensional array "directly":

int[] array = new int[10];

Under the hood it uses the IL command newarr.

This one is more similar to using reflection to create an array (the type can be decided at runtime)

int[] array2 = (int[])Array.CreateInstance(typeof(int), 10);

The array created in the end is the same but the speed of creating it is much slower when using Array.CreateInstance. Note that with Array.CreateInstance you can dynamically select the type of the array (in the same way that through reflection you can create an instance of a type given the type at runtime), for example:

Type type = someCondition ? typeof(int) : typeof(string);
Array array2 = Array.CreateInstance(type, 10);

Another big difference: the "base" Array class is weakly typed (so its methods use object parameters, instead of int/string'/something). So:

int num = (int)array2.GetValue(1); // You have to cast the return value to int from object

Another reason to use

array[5] = 1;

instead of

array2.SetValue(5, 1);

is that the first method is optimized in the IL code as a direct access to a monodimensional array (stelem and ldelem). The same is true for GetValue.

The reason I'm using the term "monodimensional array":

In .NET there are two "types" of arrays: the monodimensional arrays and the "complex" arrays (they can be multidimensional, or with the first element not at the 0 index, or both). The second group is much slower. The stelem and ldelem work only with monodimensional arrays. For multidimensional/special arrays "hidden" methods are used to access them (the C# compiler changes the get and set so that these methods are called) (they are similar to the GetValue/SetValue of the Array class, see for example https://stackoverflow.com/a/597729/613130 )

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xanatos Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 09:10


On compile time, looks like there is no big difference between them. Just like arrays, Array.CreateInstance method also make reference-type elements are initialized to null. value-type elements are initialized to zero.

enter image description here

Only difference for the second one is; from MSDN;

Unlike most classes, Array provides the CreateInstance method, instead of public constructors, to allow for late bound access.

Also as Stefano Altieri mentioned, first syntax requires array size in compile time, but the second one need the size in run-time. For example, you can build these codes successfully;

int[] numbers1 = new int[10];
Array numbers2 = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(int), -1);

But you can't build these;

int[] numbers1 = new int[];
Array numbers2 = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(int), -1);
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Soner Gönül Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 09:10

Soner Gönül