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json_decode security





Is PHP's json_decode() secure as opposed to eval()? The eval() function can run code, but does json_decode() do that as well?

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Rik de Vos Avatar asked Feb 24 '23 00:02

Rik de Vos

2 Answers

Since JSON can only represent data, json_decode will not execute php code.

However, just like any other function, the implementation of json_decode could be buggy and allow arbitrary (binary, not (only) php) code execution, for example with a buffer overflow. Due to the relatively simple and widely used code, this is unlikely, and there is nothing you can or should do in a php program to mitigate that.

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phihag Avatar answered Mar 04 '23 01:03


eval() and json_decode() are two different functions, i don't know why you think they are similar. One evaluate a string as PHP code and the other decodes a JSON string. Nothing is executed when json_decode is run.

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aziz punjani Avatar answered Mar 04 '23 01:03

aziz punjani