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how to have php get the __LINE__ or __FILE__ value where a function is called

I have a ZF debug function like this:

function fs_d($d, $at){
        Zend_Debug::dump($d,'at: ' . $at);
        return true;

and will call like this:

fs_d($var, $at)

what I'd like $at to represent where $at was called in the function. In other words, something like __FILE__ at __LINE__ that is evaluated at point of function call and NOT at point of output. But I don't want to write __FILE__ at __LINE__ at every call.

Is there some way to wrap as a macro, wrap in brackts, {$} or backticks or something?

like image 218
timpone Avatar asked Feb 23 '23 04:02


1 Answers


$backtrace = debug_backtrace(false);
$last = $backtrace[1];
echo "Error in $last[file], line $last[line] ($last[function])!";
like image 156
deceze Avatar answered Apr 28 '23 18:04
