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jQuery Validate - at least one from a group of checkboxes is checked only if a radio button is checked

I´m using jquery validate plugin to ensure at least one from a group of three checkboxes is checked and it´s woking fine. But I want validate these checkboxes only if the radio button "Sim" is checked. I don´t know how to do this.

Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/TnmGr

Html Form:

<form name="itemForm" id="itemForm" method="post">
  <input name="resp01" type="radio" value="sim" id="resp01-sim" class="resp" /> <label for="resp01-sim">Sim</label>
  <input name="resp01" type="radio" value="não" id="resp01-nao" class="resp" /> <label for="resp01-nao">Não</label>
<fieldset style="width:200px"><legend>Outros catalogos</legend>
<input id="opt01" name="opt01" type="checkbox" value="true" class="require-one" />
<label for="opt01">opt01</label>
<input name="opt01" type="hidden" value="false" /><br />

<input id="opt02" name="opt02" type="checkbox" value="true" class="require-one" />
<label for="opt02">opt02</label>
<input name="river2" type="hidden" value="false" /><br />

<input id="opt03" name="opt03" type="checkbox" value="true" class="require-one" />
<label for="opt03">opt03</label>
<input name="opt03" type="hidden" value="false" /><br />
<div class="error" id="form_error"></div>
<br />
<input type="submit" />


$.validator.addMethod('require-one', function(value) {
    return $('.require-one:checked').size() > 0;
}, 'Selecione pelo menos uma das opções.');


    var checkboxes = $('.require-one');
    var checkbox_names = $.map(checkboxes, function(e, i) {
        return $(e).attr("name")
    }).join(" ");

        groups: {
            checks: checkbox_names
        rules: {
            resp01: 'required',
        messages: {
            resp01:  { required: 'Selecione uma resposta!' },
        errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
        submitHandler: function(form) {
            alert('Form Submited');
            return false;

like image 633
ViaDev Avatar asked Oct 31 '13 18:10


People also ask

How do you check atleast one checkbox is checked or not in jQuery?

prop() and is() method are the two way by which we can check whether a checkbox is checked in jQuery or not.

How to check if radio box is checked jQuery?

Your answer We can check the status of a radio button by using the :checked jQuery selector together with the jQuery function is . For example: $('#el').is(':checked') . It is exactly the same method we use to check when a checkbox is checked using jQuery.

How can I require at least one checkbox be checked before a form can be submitted?

How can I enforce that requirement? You could use PHP to check if at least 1 of the check boxes is checked. You would probably also want to make sure your <input "name"> is different for each check box otherwise getting the return variable values might be tricky.

1 Answers

You simply need to alter the logic of your custom method.

$.validator.addMethod('require-one', function(value) {
    if ($('#resp01-sim').is(':checked')) {
        return $('.require-one:checked').size() > 0;
    } else {
        return true;
}, 'Selecione pelo menos uma das opções.');

DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/TnmGr/4/

like image 90
Sparky Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 15:11
