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Javascript / jQuery : get height when max-height is set to 0

Is it possible to get css value of attr height of element when it's max-height is set to 0?

I need this to know how much pixels of element to show onclick and since every element has different height that changes with size of the browser I want to get height values from css file.


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vlad Avatar asked Aug 06 '13 14:08


3 Answers

You can get the height of an element if you have max-height = 0 through the scrollHeight attribute. It works if you set min-weight, but not height though.


  Here you have a normal div
  <div id="toggable">
    Something hidden is in here, but we can still get the height !
    <div class="other-content">
      Something else here



CSS : #toggable { max-height:0; overflow:hidden; }

.other-content {
  min-height: 100px;

Demo : https://jsfiddle.net/asywL84u/2/

Reference : https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/scrollHeight

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Mijamo Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09


My first question would to be why are you using max-height: 0; is there something else you can use? Like hide() show() which use display: none

the only thing I can thing of would be to remove the max-height css get the height and then reapply the max-height:

$('.div').css('max-height', 'none')
$('.div').css('max-height', '0')

This should happen fast enough that you wont see the element but it could be wise to hide it before removing the max-height with:

$('.div').css('max-height', 'none')    
$('.div').css('max-height', '0')
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Declan Cook Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

Declan Cook

    var t=$(this); // Cache jQuery reference
    t.css('max-height','none'); // Temporarily override max-height
    t.data('height',t.height()); // Store height in data
    t.css('max-height',''); // Remove our max-height override

jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/AqAJc/7/

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Robert McKee Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09

Robert McKee