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Jquery - Perform callback after append

I am appending content to a list using:

  $('a.ui-icon-cart').click(function(){          $(this).closest('li').clone().appendTo('#cart ul');   }); 

I want to perform further functions to the appended content (change class, apply animations etc)

How can I perform a callback on this function that will allow me to perform functions on the appended data?

like image 594
user342391 Avatar asked Jun 24 '10 21:06


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2 Answers

jQuery's .each() takes a callback function and applies it to each element in the jQuery object.

Imagine something like this:

$('a.ui-icon-cart').click(function(){   $(this).closest('li').clone().appendTo('#cart ul').each(function() {     $(this).find('h5').remove();      $(this).find('img').css({'height':'40px', 'width':'40px'});     $(this).find('li').css({'height':'60px', 'width':'40px'});   }); }); 

You could also just store the result and work on it instead:

$('a.ui-icon-cart').click(function(){   var $new = $(this).closest('li').clone().appendTo('#cart ul')   $new.find('h5').remove();    $new.find('img').css({'height':'40px', 'width':'40px'});   $new.find('li').css({'height':'60px', 'width':'40px'}); }); 

I would also suggest that instead of mofiying the CSS like that you just add a class to your cloned li like this:

$(this).closest('li').clone().addClass("new-item").appendTo('#cart ul'); 

Then setup some styles like:

.new-item img, .new-item li { height: 40px; width: 40px; } .new-item h5 { display: none } 
like image 112
gnarf Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09


Unfortunatly adding callbacks to dom operations is not something that can be done in a neat fashion using javascript. For this reason it is not in the jQuery library. A settimeout with the timer "1ms" however always puts the function in the settimeout on the bottom of the call stack. This does work! The underscore.js library uses this technique in _.defer, which does exactly what you want.

$('a.ui-icon-cart').click(function(){     $(this).closest('li').clone().appendTo('#cart ul');     setTimeout(function() {         // The LI is now appended to #cart UL and you can mess around with it.     }, 1); }); 
like image 27
douwe Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 17:09
