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How to hide source of Log messages in Console?

When outputting messages into the console, the source is also displayed (in Chrome Developer Tools it's on the right):

console.log("Foo");                         //Source Foo                               test.js:1 //Output 

However, on some sites, messages are displayed without the source being displayed, such as on Facebook:

Console screenshot on Facebook.com

Having a look on the Chrome Console API Reference there are examples across a ton of different outputs but all of them have the source displayed.

How can I hide the source (.js page and line number) of console outputs?

Edit: Just for clarification, this is not a duplicate of How does Facebook disable the browser's integrated Developer Tools? as that question answers how the console disables standard user input (and its answers explain how it works). I am specifically asking about the aesthetic of not displaying the source file and line.

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Ben Avatar asked Jan 13 '16 09:01


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In Chrome's Console tab you have a Filter box, type there the name of the file you want to filer out, with a minus sign "-" before the file name. You can filter multiply files, using space as a delimiter. Or instead of typing, just right click on a log message, and select Hide message from <file_name> .

1 Answers

They are using setTimeout to detach from the source:

setTimeout(console.log.bind(console, '\n%c' + s[0], s[1])); 
like image 74
Oliver Salzburg Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 09:09

Oliver Salzburg