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Polymer 1.0 Global Variables

In Polymer 0.5 the advice on globals was as outlined in this question/answer:

Polymer global variables

However in Polymer 1.0 this doesn't seem to work. Change notifications are not automatically generated on the underlying model, they are generated on the <dom-module> instead which means that change notifications will be generated on only one of the <app-globals>.

What is the recommended way of implementing this pattern in Polymer 1.0?

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Grokys Avatar asked Jun 15 '15 16:06


People also ask

Is it better to use more number of global variables?

The value of a global variable can be changed accidently as it can be used by any function in the program. If we use a large number of global variables, then there is a high chance of error generation in the program.

Where can I find global variables?

Global variables are stored in the data section. Unlike the stack, the data region does not grow or shrink — storage space for globals persists for the entire run of the program. Finally, the heap portion of memory is the part of a program's address space associated with dynamic memory allocation.

Which are global variables?

A global variable is a variable that is declared in the global scope in other words, a variable that is visible from all other scopes. In JavaScript it is a property of the global object.

What are the two types of global variables?

A global variable can be classified as either session or database based on the scope of the value: The value of a session global variable is uniquely associated with each session that uses this particular global variable. Session global variables are either built-in global variables or user-defined global variables.

1 Answers

Polymer element <iron-meta> is also an option. For me this was the easiest solution.

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Arco Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09
