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jQuery: loading css on demand + callback if done





I want to load CSS files on demand (by eg. running an XML HTTP request which returns the CSS files to be loaded) for example style1.css, style2.css ..

So is there a way in jQuery (or a plugin) to this?

  • bulk-loading several files + adding all those CSS-files into the dom
  • when finished loading: firing a callback (like alerting "all stylesheets are finished loaded!");

the idea is: loading html via xmlhttp, loading +adding required css-files, then - after anything is finished, display that html.

any idea?


like image 876
Fuxi Avatar asked Aug 17 '10 01:08


2 Answers

How to load multiple CSS files with callback as requested
Note: ithout xdomain permissions, $.get will only load local files

Note that the text "all css loaded" appears after loading but before the CSS is applied. Perhaps another workaround is required to overcome that.

$.extend({     getManyCss: function(urls, callback, nocache){         if (typeof nocache=='undefined') nocache=false; // default don't refresh         $.when.apply($,             $.map(urls, function(url){                 if (nocache) url += '?_ts=' + new Date().getTime(); // refresh?                  return $.get(url, function(){                                         $('<link>', {rel:'stylesheet', type:'text/css', 'href':url}).appendTo('head');                                     });             })         ).then(function(){             if (typeof callback=='function') callback();         });     }, }); 


var cssfiles=['https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.3.1/css/bootstrap.min.css', 'https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootswatch/4.3.1/cerulean/bootstrap.min.css'];  $.getManyCss(cssfiles, function(){     // do something, e.g.     console.log('all css loaded'); }); 

to force refresh the css files add true

$.getManyCss(cssfiles, function(){     // do something, e.g.     console.log('all css loaded'); }, true); 
like image 180
Popnoodles Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 18:09


The answer given by @Popnoodles is not correct because the callback is not executed after all items have been loaded, but rather when the $.each loop is finished. The reason is, that $.each operation does not return a Deferred object (which is expected by $.when).

Here is a corrected example:

$.extend({     getCss: function(urls, callback, nocache){         if (typeof nocache=='undefined') nocache=false; // default don't refresh         $.when.apply($,             $.map(urls, function(url){                 if (nocache) url += '?_ts=' + new Date().getTime(); // refresh?                  return $.get(url, function(){                                         $('<link>', {rel:'stylesheet', type:'text/css', 'href':url}).appendTo('head');                                     });             })         ).then(function(){             if (typeof callback=='function') callback();         });     } }); 
like image 27
Alberto Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 19:09
