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ASP.Net MVC Ajax form with jQuery validation

I have an MVC view with a form built with the Ajax.BeginForm() helper method, and I'm trying to validate user input with the jQuery Validation plugin. I get the plugin to highlight the inputs with invalid input data, but despite the invalid input the form is posted to the server.

How do I stop this, and make sure that the data is only posted when the form validates?

My code

The form:

<fieldset>     <legend>leave a message</legend>         <% using (Ajax.BeginForm("Post", new AjaxOptions            {                UpdateTargetId = "GBPostList",                InsertionMode = InsertionMode.InsertBefore,                OnSuccess = "getGbPostSuccess",                OnFailure = "showFaliure"            }))            { %>         <div class="column" style="width: 230px;">             <p>                 <label for="Post.Header">                     Rubrik</label>                 <%= Html.TextBox("Post.Header", null, new { @style = "width: 200px;", @class="text required" }) %></p>             <p>                 <label for="Post.Post">                     Meddelande</label>                 <%= Html.TextArea("Post.Post", new { @style = "width: 230px; height: 120px;" }) %></p>         </div>         <p>             <input type="submit" value="OK!" /></p>     </fieldset> 

The JavaScript validation:

$(document).ready(function() {     // for highlight     var elements = $("input[type!='submit'], textarea, select");     elements.focus(function() {         $(this).parents('p').addClass('highlight');     });     elements.blur(function() {         $(this).parents('p').removeClass('highlight');     });      // for validation     $("form").validate();    }); 

EDIT: As I was getting downvotes for publishing follow-up problems and their solutions in answers, here is also the working validate method...

function ajaxValidate() {     return $('form').validate({     rules: {         "Post.Header": { required: true },         "Post.Post": { required: true, minlength: 3 }     },     messages: {         "Post.Header": "Please enter a header",         "Post.Post": {             required: "Please enter a message",             minlength: "Your message must be 3 characters long"             }         }     }).form(); } 
like image 796
Tomas Aschan Avatar asked Nov 18 '08 13:11

Tomas Aschan

People also ask

How we can use jQuery validation plugins in MVC?

The jQuery validation plugin leverages a CSS selector like syntax to apply a set of validation rules. You can download the plugin (js) file from jQuery website. The password and confirm password objects are matched by the validation plugin for you and shows the message on the equalTo attribute if they don't match.

How to use unobtrusive validation in MVC?

An unobtrusive validation in jQuery is a set of ASP.Net MVC HTML helper extensions.By using jQuery Validation data attributes along with HTML 5 data attributes, you can perform validation to the client-side.

1 Answers

Try adding an OnBegin callback to the AjaxOptions and return the value of $('form').validate().form() from the callback. Looking at the source it appears that this should work.

function ajaxValidate() {    return $('form').validate().form(); }  <% using (Ajax.BeginForm("Post", new AjaxOptions        {            UpdateTargetId = "GBPostList",            InsertionMode = InsertionMode.InsertBefore,            OnBegin = "ajaxValidate",            OnSuccess = "getGbPostSuccess",            OnFailure = "showFaliure"        }))        { %> 

EDIT updated with correct callback name.

like image 184
tvanfosson Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 03:09
