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Run Javascript AFTER Angular Has Finished Loading All Views

I am building a web application using Angular, and I am trying to find a way to wait until all of the data-ng-include elements have been evaluated and the includes finished loading. For instance the menu is a view that is loaded, as is the main content for each page, so at the very least there are two data-ng-includes that get evaluated and loaded. On top of that the menu include has nested data-ng-repeats that build out my menu. I need a way to initiate script AFTER all of these includes and any angular functions inside them have been loaded and the DOM is ACTUALLY ready.

Is there any event that gets fired when Angular has finished setting up the page?

The implementation of AnguarJS is basic and we are basically using it for templating via use of data-ng-include. Each page is a view (not an angular view, just an html file), loaded via data-ng-include, with the header and footer above and below it. The header also dynamically loads a global view (again not an angular view) html file that includes angular.

So far the menu is the only thing using AngularJS for anything other than templating. It uses it to create a menu using a JSON object that is dynamically generated by JSP and inserted into the DOM that is returned from the server.

In order to make life easier for the front-end guys, any kind of repeated JavaScript functionality is coded out into modules, which are detected on page load and loaded dynamically using a data-features attribute on the element the JavaScript functionality needs to be attached to.

For instance, you may have <div id="mySubMenu" data-features="subMenu"></div>. On page load, each element with a data-features element is detected, and the associated JS module loaded, in this case we would load /scripts/modules/subMenu.js.

What I need is a way to delay running this feature detection and attachment until all of the elements resulting from an include or other angular function are on the page and ready to be manipulated, especially since there may be elements with data-features attributes inside those includes.

Someone elsewhere had mentioned putting a controller on the body and putting nothing side of it but:

$scope.$on('$viewContentLoaded', function() {     // Init Features Here }); 

That did not work, so I am here looking for other options.

I ended up going with Theo's solution in this question: Sending event when angular.js finished loading

like image 958
StephenRios Avatar asked Feb 10 '14 20:02


People also ask

Can I run javascript before the whole page is loaded?

But yes, it is an option.

Can you run javascript in angular?

you can use pure js inside angular.

2 Answers

on content loaded:

$rootScope.$on('$includeContentLoaded', function() {     //do your will }); 

on content requested:

$rootScope.$on('$includeContentRequested', function() {     //... }); 
like image 134
easyrider Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 21:09


I am certain that this is not the correct way to do it but....

Putting the below function in my view controller, ran the function after the view had loaded in my application. I believe that the function is run in the next digest cycle following the view load (correct me here if wrong), so it is run once the page is formed.

setTimeout(function(){   //do this after view has loaded :)   console.log('success!'); }, 0); 

Its possible you could chain these together via callbacks and/or use an async parallel library to execute another function, after each of the views setTimeouts had returned.

like image 33
David Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 21:09
